all the newbies, please add ur timeline at the profile section after 10 posts. this would help us to connect better with people of similar timelines.
Thank you :)
oohhooo!! :D :D :D :D :D
File transferred to new delhi! no SA yet!
Received AOR2 just now.. Ppl with the similar timelines do check ur emails :) :) :) :)
Hey, I am waiting on SA too.. hopefully we should b getting a confirmation by monday.. the website shows that they are working on applications received on july 3rd..
U could update the timeline once u r done with 10 posts in this forum..
And regarding SA, it takes a month aftr aor1 as of now.. I am july 3rd applicant and no SA yet.. hope this helps.. :)
this link might be very useful to you. please check.