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  1. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Too bad that Bellisomo updated its applicants while Cohen is so silent about it. The funny thing I joined Cohen case but my file number in the supreme court states that Bellisemo is my lawyer!! Probably becuase they are co counsels on this case,,,I really do not know,,,,and just noticed that...
  2. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I read many posts on other forums and understood the following 1- The judge did not commit CIC to keep the files. Which means the refund will start soon. 2- IF you get your cheque you still have the chance to challenge CIC in court. Just do not cash it because then your chances will be much...
  3. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I do not understand a word of the lengthy statement above,,,I can not extract a positive or negative news out of it,,,,can anyone please summerize what all of this means to us? Will CIC return the files or not?
  4. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I am waiting for any update as well. They should inform us by e mail,,,,,,,we hope to hear a good news.
  5. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I can not understand why the CIC favors those who joined the lawsuit before June 15th? we are all applicants with the same complaints,,,same problem,,, The thing is CIC never bothered to inform any pre2008 applicant personally of the file closure,,,all of us have their file status in...
  6. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    This is the source of my info. But reading it again,,,I think I got mixed up ...There is clearly a difference between those whose files were closed and those who were not. BACKLOGGERS LITIGATION 1. Litigants whose files were not closed. DoJ and has come to terms and expect to sign the...
  7. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    as I mentioned earlier, it is clear that Cohen might ask for or accept a financial compensation which will be worthless for us,,,,nothing will compensate the loss of 5 to 8 years of our lives We should make it clear for him that the only settellment we will accept it the handeling of our files...
  8. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Inshaaallah!! GOd's well has been against our hopes so far,,,but who knows ?
  9. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Deos anyone here accept to take financial compensation form the government in return of closing the file? If noone wants the compensation, then we should tell Cohen that the only thing he should argue for is that the Canadian authorities should examine our files fairly and in reasonable...
  10. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    you know this is very strange because they are still accepting new payments till now,,,,,and they said there is no deadline to join the lawsuit,,,, so how come they can not include your case in the lawsuit
  11. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Thank you . I see you have posted many updates. The problem is it is full of legal terms and very difficult to understand.I was shocked to know that they might ask for financial compensation for us,,,,,what money will compensate the waiting for 8 years? this is unfair and we should refuse it ...
  12. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I wander why all we get from Campell Cohen is a confirmation of payment or a request for more personal detials. Did he send to any of you a case or a file number? does he send any updates or info about the lawsuit? do you know what he is going to ask for in this lawsuit on behalf of us? In the...
  13. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    OK since you talked to him why are you worried? I wish if anyone who knows info about our case number will post it here so that we can followup its progress.
  14. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    I Have just ade a facebook group up called : pre February 2008 canada immigration applicants. Please search for it in facebook and join it so that we can exchange news and updates. This forum does not allow links. So just search for it on facebook
  15. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Here are the contact details of the person who is responsible about this lawsuit. Send him your payment detials,,,,but do not expect a quick reply becuase it seems that they are very busy. I suggest that you call him by phone The Law Firm of Campbell, Cohen 1980 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 800...
  16. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Thank you for your replies. I searched in that database and did not find my name. However I Paied only 3 days ago and it might take up to one week until my case is filed according to Cohen. I called Bellisimo yesterday becuase I could not reach Cohen and they are very helpful people
  17. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Thanks alot for your reply. But is the lawsuit of Bellisimo the same as Cohen lawsuit,,,or are they two different ones? Campell Cohen maybe a good firm, but they do not answer e mails till 3 days later or so, and they write very berief replies which leaves one wandering about many questions.
  18. hopeful4

    pre feb 2008 applicants,,,,,,is it our fault?

    :-\I have known about the changes in the Canadian law only few days ago, and Like the rest of us, I am so full of rage and anger,,,,the rest of my family are even in a state of denial. I , however , keep thinking that we might have our share in this situation. So I Just wander: 1- Is it our...
  19. hopeful4

    Federal Skilled Worker Class Action Lawsuit

    Well I did not get any confirmation of payment till now though Chris answered one email from me earlier. I wish if you have any more info that you will write them here. Do you know anything about: 1-When the new lawsuit will be heared 2- How many persons joined this lawsuit after the original...