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  1. Ottawagal

    PGP 2020

    Unfortunately you must meet the LICO for each of the individual years (2018, 2019, 2020).
  2. Ottawagal

    Income issue on parents sponsorship

    Actually typically only ei special benefits (maternity, parental, sick leave) benefits can be counted and not regular benefits. However under a temporary public policy introduced because of the pandemic regular ei benefits can be used to meet the 2020 income requirements.
  3. Ottawagal

    conjugal sponsorship - same sex

    In order to sponsor as a conjugal partner you would have to be able to prove significant barriers to becoming common law such as not being able to get a visa
  4. Ottawagal

    Confusion regarding parents sponsorship program 2020

    https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1460&top=14 See the point in this answer regarding calculating family size and young children.
  5. Ottawagal

    Confusion regarding parents sponsorship program 2020

    If things work the way they did in 2018/2019 then I believe you would only be considered a family of 5 in 2019 when the baby was born but would be considered a family of 4 for 2018, 2017.
  6. Ottawagal

    spouse sponsership canada

    Dis you apply inland or outland? Lots of delays due to pandemic. You may want to check out the relevant March 2020 thread. Inland: https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/march-2020-inland-spouse-sponsorship.682394/unread Outland...
  7. Ottawagal


    https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/permanent-residence/non-economic-classes/dependent-children.html Quick look says basically your sister would have to be under 22 or have been financially dependent on your...
  8. Ottawagal

    Conflicting messages about PR Card

    My suggestion would be follow the instructions in the letter you received. Did you complete a virtual landing?
  9. Ottawagal

    Spousal sponsorship

    I believe it used to be about 6-8 months inland, 12 months outland, but with the ongoing pandemic who knows. Edit: those were the "aimed to have 80 % processed by" numbers. Individual cases may vary
  10. Ottawagal

    Spousal sponsorship

    1. As a PR you are required to reside in Canada while sponsoring your spouse. 2. When sponsoring outland it is possible for your spouse to visit you in Canada however TRV's are not always approved for spouses. To qualify for an open work permit you need to be sponsoring inland in which case you...
  11. Ottawagal

    Sponsoring my U.S spouse during COVID in Canada

    You need to provide the marriage certificate issued by the province where your marriage is registered. Without this document the application will be returned as incomplete. When you say temporary certificate are you talking about the "Solemnization of marriage"? (I don't know if that's spelled...
  12. Ottawagal

    SIN to sponsor for dependent PR

    There is also the issue that as a permanent resident you have to be residing in Canada to be eligible to sponsor your spouse for permanent residence.
  13. Ottawagal

    I may have erroneously paid for biometrics - is this a big deal?

    If you are sponsoring then she is applying for permanent residence and not just the permanent resident card and did indeed need to pay the biometrics fee.
  14. Ottawagal

    JULY 2020 *Outland* Spousal Sponsorship

    The principal applicant's file is transferred once to the Visa office after the sponsor has been approved to sponsor. I believr It is transferred to the visa office of the principal applicant's home country, in your case the London vo.
  15. Ottawagal

    **----January 2019 Outland Application----**

    Hi, My spouse just immigrated through Vancouver international from the US on Thursday. I was fortunate enough to be with him foe the trip. The interview occurs in the cutoms area so unfortunately flying with him there will be no way for you to connect up before the interview.