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  1. RAJA304

    Applying in General

    Check out following link: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/any1-recently-got-visa-under-general-category-t171656.15.html
  2. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Explain abt ur family background. Explain, how good ur family is establish in ur home country. Explain every family members well doing. By all of this, they will understand abt ur family background and u will come to ur home country 4 them.
  3. RAJA304

    finally got offer letter of humber!!!!!!!!! just now

    My friend who is studying in humber told me to choose GBC for wireless networking program. I had offer letter of humber nd GBC and I was confused abt both. So I talked with my friends over there and as per their advice, GBC is one step better than humber. Job oppotunites in networking &...
  4. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Try 2 explain ur gap nd course which u hv choose to study in Canada. Write little bit abt ur family background which explains ur family ties in ur home country. And last, explain job opportunities in ur home country after completing ur desired study as it explains u will come to ur country after...
  5. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    I think this much doc is enough to get VISA!
  6. RAJA304

    finally got offer letter of humber!!!!!!!!! just now

    I was giving advice abt wireless telecommunication pogram only. I am nt sayng kei humber isnt good clg but 4 perticular, wireless program u sud go 4 GBC. In end its ur desion to make....!!!
  7. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    No sir.. I applied on last friday. Actually, I was rejected in fall intake. This time I am positive.
  8. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    As per my info... -IELTS CERTI. -Last degree certificates. -10th,12th,leaving certi -work exp certi -financial doc like -CA Report of movable nd immovable properties. -attach all original doc which u mention in ur CA report. -fee receipt -GIC or loan certi -offer letter -SOP AND...
  9. RAJA304

    finally got offer letter of humber!!!!!!!!! just now

    Think twice b4 taking admission in humber. As per my friend who is studyng in humber told me 2 go in GBC whithout thinking any other colleges!!! I also got offer letter 4m humber but i choose gbc insted of it. Dont make ur decision by consultants advise, consult people who r studying in that...
  10. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Applied on 8/11 through VFS ahmedabad and its under processing rit nw. Wt abt u?
  11. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Don knw the exact time frame. some applied on 30-31 oct and still waiting!!
  12. RAJA304

    Do I need a transit VISA? -URGENT-

    Dont book ur flight via US as u must need transit VISA for it. Moreover,transit visa procedure in US may take upto 3-5 hours!! If u dont crack the interview than thy vl deport u 4m US only!!!
  13. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    I don think they will give u VISA vth these much backlogs.
  14. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Re: I have also Applied today under General Category Did u re-apply or going 2?
  15. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Please, upadate here if any1 of us get approval mail...!! Actually, I have applied under general tdy only.
  16. RAJA304

    Any1 recently got VISA under General category:::::!!!

    Please post here if any1 got VISA under GENRAL category. I was rejected b4 but going 2 apply 4 jean intake next week!!!
  17. RAJA304

    it is urgent question please help

    As per new rules u cnt chnge clg nw. If u change thn thr wont be legal status 4 u in canada and it vl affect u after ur study permit!!