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  1. RAJA304


    I reapplied with appeal latter but its nt only appeal latter, it's appeal cum sop which contains explanation of reasons that they gave.
  2. RAJA304


    They gave reasons like, -previous study nd -ur nt genuine student who vl leave canda after ur study permit
  3. RAJA304


    Actually my study visa application was rejected nd I hv reapplied with covering/appeal latter to the vfs on 7/8 and my passport received by CHC 8/8 nd it's under processing... So, do I hv any chances to get VISA this time..!?? Profile:- 10th-79% 12th-67% B.E.(EC)-6.43 CGPA, completed in...
  4. RAJA304

    resubbmitted application with an letter after getting refused

    That's not reasons by which u got rejected. Real reasons were behind the latter whr check boxes given(i.e. in my case they check other reason). I also have reapplied with cover latter on 7th aug.
  5. RAJA304

    PP dispatched

    Be prepared for surprise..!!
  6. RAJA304

    Is thr any1 who got visa by reapplying with covering/appeal latter??

    We can appeal against our rejection with covering latter which explains given rejection resons.
  7. RAJA304

    Study Visa Status : What does this mean , is it +ve or -ve sign.

    Congo man... That's bcz of approval email..
  8. RAJA304

    Is thr any1 who got visa by reapplying with covering/appeal latter??

    When did u apply 1st time nd get rejection?
  9. RAJA304

    Is thr any1 who got visa by reapplying with covering/appeal latter??

    I know tht but I wanted to go in SIAST nd m planning to pgd course after completing it as they didn't give me admission in it!!
  10. RAJA304

    Is thr any1 who got visa by reapplying with covering/appeal latter??

    Actually my study visa application was rejected nd I hv reapplied with covering/appeal latter to the vfs yesterday and my passport received by CHC today nd it's under processing... So, do I hv any chances to get VISA this time..!?? Profile:- 10th-79% 12th-67% B.E.(EC)-6.43 CGPA, completed in...
  11. RAJA304

    Study Visa Status : What does this mean , is it +ve or -ve sign.

    Sry 2 say, I am now definetly sure that ur VISA is rejected cuz I gone trough this procedure 2 days ago.
  12. RAJA304

    Study Visa Status : What does this mean , is it +ve or -ve sign.

    Did u get any approval email or not? If not than sry...
  13. RAJA304

    notification mail sent from CanadiaN HIGH COMM. on approval???

    Spp nd re applied under same category with Appel/covering latter. Nd I was in the same situation as u r ritnw.
  14. RAJA304

    Study Visa Status : What does this mean , is it +ve or -ve sign.

    If u don't have any email 4m CHC than sry 2 say ur VISA application going 2 be reject.
  15. RAJA304

    notification mail sent from CanadiaN HIGH COMM. on approval???

    They gave other reasons like proposed study is not same as b4 nd ur nt genuine student.
  16. RAJA304

    notification mail sent from CanadiaN HIGH COMM. on approval???

    Rejected... Reapplied today with cover nd Appel later.. Nw hoping 4 good
  17. RAJA304

    notification mail sent from CanadiaN HIGH COMM. on approval???

    Sorry to say but ur VISA application is rejected.