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  1. amplua

    August 2021 - Citizenship Applicants

    Weird thing is going on. I looked at Spreadsheet for August 2021 and discovered that on August 19th there 4 rows who didn't get AOR yet. Mine is 19th too. Any ideas why it could happened? Even 30ths have already received it, but not 19th
  2. amplua

    August 2021 - Citizenship Applicants

    And have you already received AOR? If yes what date?
  3. amplua

    August 2021 - Citizenship Applicants

    Ppl, I just saw in spreadsheet that most of applications received on August 19th didn't receive AOR. Even later ones got, but not Aug 19th. Any idea why it could happen?
  4. amplua

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hey, guys. I found some working link for European countries regarding allowing Refugee travel documents. This is an Excel file updated October, 2019. There are too much information, so you can easily download it to your PC and review it...
  5. amplua

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Could you please share what kind of papers/documents did Turkey Council request from you (bank statement, flying tickets, hotel booking, income or etc.)?
  6. amplua

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hi people, here is 2 cents from me regarding travel to Georgia with Refugee travel document. Link below are official web=sites of Government of Georgia. So it could find some answers to your questions regarding flying to Georgia from Canada...
  7. amplua

    Refugee sponsors US citizen daughter

    Actually she had Medical Service Plan from BC province, but now we were asked for PR or any status update. There is no issue with her coverage. As dependent child she is allowed to have medical coverage and she does. Even before our hearing she had Federal Health coverage like us and after...
  8. amplua

    Refugee sponsors US citizen daughter

    She has US passport. Actually it's with IRCC, but I can request it back. There is another problem: after travel she will come back to Canada with US passport as TOURIST! So she'll be allowed to stay here just 6 month. We won't be able to get any health insurance for her. Even custom may stop us...
  9. amplua

    Refugee sponsors US citizen daughter

    We are family of four - protected persons in Canada (irregular border crosiers). Me, my wife and my son already became PR as protected persons in Canada. My 2 years old daughter was born in USA (has US citizenship), that`s why she is not recognized as refugee. Her case was separated from ours...
  10. amplua

    Applying for USA visa with RTD

    No, it's wrong information. If you are refugee you CANNOT use your travel document. Apply for canadian RTD and use it. If you enter to any country with you country's travel document and something happens you'll have to contact with your embassy, and it's forbidden for refugees. Ifnyou travel...
  11. amplua

    Will I get 5 years Travel Doc if I have PR?

    Yes. If you send them your PR card (original) with RTD renew application, they will give you 5 years RTD. It`s 100%. They will return your PR with RTD
  12. amplua

    US visa for Protected persons and PRs

    Thank you for your opinion; regarding payment for my daughter`s birth delivery - it was paid fully by insurance company (we got it as soon as came to US).
  13. amplua

    US visa for Protected persons and PRs

    could you please tell me the main reason for visa refusal? How do you think is it due to my daughter birth there or irregular border cross? I didn't apply for assylum in USA. Just entered with tourist visa and after came to Canada.
  14. amplua

    US visa for Protected persons and PRs

    Friends, I have such a question regarding US visa. Me and my family of 4 came to Canada as refugees from USA (irregular border cross). We have Canadian Permanent Residency (my daughter was born in US so she has US citizenship). Now we would like to travel to USA from Canada with Refugee Travel...
  15. amplua

    Applying for USA visa with RTD

    If you asked this question somewhere else and get some answers could you please share it with me? I'm in the same situation, so I wonder if I can apply for us visa as well. I heart something about "pardon letter to usa government", but I have no idea how to prepare and where to send it
  16. amplua

    Inland Landing Interview from Vancouver Office: waiting time

    Congratulations! I wonder what is your Application and DM date? When did you receive invitation?
  17. amplua

    Mən ailəmlə çox təqiblərə məruz qalmışıq . Xahiş edirem kömək edin ,mən ailəmlə qaçqın kimi Kanadaya

    Əyər sizdə həqiqətən də belə problemlər varsa, canada.ca saytına dacil olub, hər cür məlumatı əldə edə bilərdiz. Hətta uçuş biletlərinizi də Canada höküməti ödəyəcək sizin üçün, təbii ki sonra qaytarmaq şərti ilə. Bunun üçün siz birbaşa miqradiya xidmətinə müraciət etməlisiz və hər bir şeyi...
  18. amplua

    Applying for work permit as a refugee claimant

    If you are refugee claimant you can easily go Welcome Center and ask them to apply for work permit for you. Usually they help for free. Moreover they can write letter from their Organization to Ministry asking to process it fast. Actually Ministry will not do it faster, but this letter is...