Supervisor dont really revert, I emailed to like 10 and got replies from only two only when I called them.
I couldn't apply to UOIT just because I didnt get any supervisor.
So applying early doesn't helps.
I'm thinking to apply, but unfortunately I have 62 % in my undergrad and they need around 69%
what you think will they accept my application if I apply for Thesis term?
Its says :-
Application Data
Admission Term: 2016 Spring & Summer
Admission Type: Non-Cdn Post-Secondary Inst.
Application Status: Incomplete; Items outstanding
Decision: Pending Dept/Faculty Selection
It''s no showing my resume and statement of intent, I have already emailed them that...
Hi re3dv,
Thank you for your response,
My application status is below :
Requirement Received Note Status
College Final Transcript Dec 01, 2015 II Inst of Tec Mgmnt - unofficial...
Hey I read that you do not a supervisor. When a student is admitted, an academic advisor is assigned to them to help them choose courses and thesis supervisor. Students are expected to find a thesis supervisor by the end of the second term.
Hi re3dv
I submitted by application on 30th Nov and there is nothing mentioned inside the status column.
How much time it took them to update your application status ?