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Search results

  1. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Miriam, Thanks. Within 10 days you will get your invitation .
  2. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Congrats for your DM, very soon you are a maple leaf Citizen. Question ? are you on the may2015 tracker ?
  3. ari5323

    Scarborough office / timeline after test

    Got my oath invitation today. Scarbourough office. My timeline in my signature. Happy Chanukah. Ari
  4. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Oren, Torboracer, chikloo, our Totonto applicants. And dear friends May2015 applicants. Today I got the pinky letter to appear for Oath in Jan the Sixth 2016. I'm not next to a pc, so somebody please update the tracker. And of course, after I paid for a ticket to fly overseas from dec 30...
  5. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    :P :P guessing ? ;D CIC :D you must be kidding, Have you ever heard about the Murphy's law ? No matter when you schedule your trip, your test/oath invite will come exactly during your trip :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  6. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Congratulations ! very soon you are Canadian. Now i will tell you a top secret (my grand ma told me this ) Shhhhh promise me not to disclose it for others. Ok ? deal ? They put it intentionally a question which is not in the book, and this is a tricky trick of CIC ... and the reason...
  7. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Zaig, Atip its information on your file, the law gives you the right to see the information the gov has on you below is the link to require it. Good Luck, Ari https://atip-aiprp.apps.gc.ca/atip/welcome.do?lang=en
  8. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Wow wow wow congratulations It gives me hope. I had DM a month before you.
  9. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    how do you know that the Oath is run by a different crew ?
  10. ari5323

    Scarborough office / timeline after test

    around Jan 2016
  11. ari5323

    Do I need to memorize all those years?

    Try v-soul their On-line Questions are very close to the real one's ( in my experience )
  12. ari5323

    How long does it take for scarborough file processing ? An Issue also

    My friend, Try calling the MP people here say it helps alot, and legaly CIC must answer them within 14 days, Praying for you good luck, your friend. Ari
  13. ari5323

    ECAS fetching script

    My momma would be proud of me, I can recite my client number by heart, and i will probably remember it till i die :P
  14. ari5323

    Fighting the monarchy after taking the oath

    An applicant had his Oath today (nov 30) in Toronto with a red T shirt reading : loyalty for royalty in 2015 ? (-: [/img] TORONTO - A Toronto man publicly recanted "the royalty part" of the mandatory Oath of Allegiance to the Queen moments after becoming a Canadian citizen on Monday, choosing...
  15. ari5323

    Scarborough office citizenship oath

    How about arranging a demonstration at the front of scarbourough office, asking them to shake faster their Tuches ? :D Should we ? Might it help ?
  16. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Don't you worry. Montreal is the best/fast office. Those franch officers are not that lazy, compared to the GTA one's
  17. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    No news ? ;D ;D ;D If they don't add my fifth line this week, I'm gonna add it myself :P
  18. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Nothing news last few days, ;D ;D I am sure you guys know exactly whom I am going to take advice from................... Do youhave a good "guess" ? :-X
  19. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Hello folks, we have 13 new citizens from our may 2015 group, keeping my fingers crossed to get @ least 5 more Oath invites this week. Ari
  20. ari5323

    may 2015 applicants for citizenship

    Congratulations ! take your time to read the discover canada booklet at least twice, do some on-line practice (v-soul is a great tool, my opinion) and you will pass the test ! Question, I cant see your name on tracker, is your name on the excell maral ?