ammm poonam :(
one good thing is that my process consultant is good and seems to be quite a bit of hope that everything will go smooth!!!!!lets see...
Hi sanjeev....
Thanks for the information you shared..
we are doing good here but seems that there physiotherapy has much more to do and will give us more...
but cant say anything of my known has recently shifted to Toronto as a pharmacist..and he said for people between 25-30...
Thanks poonam...
but have already paid them a good amount!!!if i withdraw...dhont think they will refund you have any idea about the consultancy i named???
by the way poonam...u have applied under which noc??u too are a physio??
Hello irene...
y husband too is taking general ielts on oct 8....he is very much confident in reading and listening part..but when speaking and writing come..he gets a bit nervous..
he do write task 1 and 2 daily..and speaks with evryone in english...
can you please suggest something!!!!!how to...
trhis is shweta..a physiotherapist from india..can u please tell me how is this consultancy company...y axis??have u been registered with them??
pls do let me know...
hello leon..
this is shweta... new to this particular forum..
while going thru it i read ur comments and replies and found that u can solve my prblms.
leon..i am a physiotherapist from running my clinic with my husband who too is a physiotherapist.we have already started immigration...
hi sanjeev,..
first of all congrats for ur job..
me n my husband both are physiotherapists ...running our own clinic here would be feasible for us to come back to india and wait till we get a suitable job...can u tell me..for how long do we need to stay in canada initially?
i am really confused regarding the credential evaluations!!!planning to get PR Visa...i want to ask..can i apply for credantail evaluation simultaneously?otr shud i wait for the visa to be issued..pls help anyone!!!
hello..this is shweta..m new to this particular site...i together with my husband panning to get PR Visa..but reading the posts...we are getting confused!!!
can anyone help me out...about the scope of indian physiotherapist in canada???