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  1. A

    ALWAYS go to test or interview with most recent CBSA record of travel

    Agree that's what I'm planning to do
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    ALWAYS go to test or interview with most recent CBSA record of travel

    Make the request as earlier as possible after you send your application to CIC. That way the report you receive covers the 4 or 6 relevant years and you will receive the report prior to test invite. Thanks Rod
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    ALWAYS go to test or interview with most recent CBSA record of travel

    All, We should all read the below post and take good notes... There is what the application guide says... and what we see in practice... I always thought it's a good idea to go to test or interview with the most recent CBSA record of travel... it can save you time !!! Re: Kitchener...
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    adding additional documents to citizenship application

    Others on this forum have reported some success after sending additional or non-required documents (NOA, T4, Paystubs, etc) Althought no direct link can me made... we have not heard of a case where sending additional or non-required documents did hurt someone application... I guess it's a...
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    Questions regarding English language proof and IDs

    CELPIP-LS (listening and speaking) $175
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    Questions regarding English language proof and IDs

    CELPIP is probably cheaper with results quickly available. Not sure though as I did not take this test
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    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Yes you can call them and tell them you haven't received AOR or book and would appreciate if these can be sent to you by email or regular mail. I know someone with similar timeline who called and later received AOR and book by email first then by regular mail
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    Questions regarding English language proof and IDs

    Do you have original transcripts of your secondary education? You may send copies of trancripts along with copies of your diploma and certificate. Together they will show that you completed high school and the language of instruction was English (assuming that all subjects on the transcript are...
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    Citizenship Fee Increase from Jan 1st 2015

    Good suggestions... but we need few clarifications that will truly align CIC processing with the airlines industry. Boarding / departure: all complete applications received and approved for further processing on a given day First class : $15,000 per person. As special CIC treatment, they...
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    December 2014 citizenship applicants!

    Bio-pages of passport with photo + PR Card with + Health card without photo + school record with or without photo Should be enough. Just add a cover letter explaining the situation. I did that and application was accepted and is in process.
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    2 pieces of ID for children??...PLEASE HELP

    A lot of people are in the same situation. In my case, I sent bio-pages of passport with picture, OHIP card and school record with no picture (my kids have no PR card) and cover letter. Application was accepted and it's in process. Good luck
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    December 2014 citizenship applicants!

    Agree. With CIC more is better than less... you always want to be on the safe side and don't give them any reason to return your file. Your Driver License and Health Card are still valid... You will probably be on the safe side by following the above suggestion.
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    fee increase in 2015

    Agree. The will likely enforce this as per the date they RECEIVE the application. It's therefore in the best interest of the applicant to take into account transit time and avoid taking risk of having application returned. e.g: If you are planning to send application today via FEDEX (with...
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    PLEASE HELP Resubmit an Application

    When CIC receive your application, they will compare the date you SIGNED your application (and the residency calculator) to the date on the day they actually receive the physical file of your application from the post office service or any courrier service you use. If the difference is 90 days...
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    Did Anyone Else Pay the Ridiculous Fee to Renounce Indian Citizenship?

    Yes Green Card holders are also on the hook for huge Exit Tax for the same reasons. They built their wealth while enjoying what Americans legislators believe to be the benefits of Green Card holders.
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    Did Anyone Else Pay the Ridiculous Fee to Renounce Indian Citizenship?

    There is a good reason for high fee to renounce American citizenship. Americans believe that their citizenship has by far the highest value of all citizenship because it's give you protection and help you accumulate wealth. That's why one has to pay huge fee or exit tax on the wealth they have...
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    PLEASE HELP Resubmit an Application

    Good point OTTOWA2013, ARD1979, When I said "significant" days over the 1095 days required, I was just referring to the fact that higher number of days provide more room of error... but since you have 1100, I believe 5 days buffer is OK as long as you are very confident that you got the...
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    PLEASE HELP Resubmit an Application

    How many buffer days you had in your initial application? If you had a significant number of days above the required 1095 days, then you can make ONLY the following minimal changes and resubmit your application (this is my preferred approach): 1-) Attach your IELTS results copy 2-) On page 4 of...
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    A few tips for preparation and test day

    Thanks for sharing.