currently it is showing that your passport has been received by Canadian high commission and is under process.
when i was requested for medical it said that your passport has been sent to vfs delhi for collection.
yes it is advised but if u get ur medical done at med center delhi. dey will send your medical report within 3days as dey told me this and on 3rd day you can submit our passport also. that will not be a problem.
what do u mean by medical test take one week???
u can take ur medical test as soon as u get that letter form vfs center and medical hospital will send that report to chc in 3 days.
@ a_a_d
bro as u can see my program fee is 420 $ for 9 semesters that is total of 3780$ only is around 2 lakhs of indian ruppes. and 5.5 lks for livivg expenses at newfoundland. so how much money i should show for visaa??
yes bro its clearly mentioned in my offer letter that i can join my classes till 19th of September. my classes starts from 5th September onwards. But its mentioned that till 19th i can join my classes.
thanks a lot bro for motivating and blessing me . i applied under general categry and mine is public university its memorial university of newfoudland. i m done wid my medical report and waiting for answer.
Eid mubarak to you .
thank you