Was your application complete and you was really resident in Canada during the elegibility period ? , also if they ask you to provide documents to prove your residency in Canada , are you ready for that ?
If unfortunately you are asked to bring these documents you can easily get them even if you don’t keep records of them , importantly, once they ask for such documents you have no option other than submitting them
I got my citizenship in 4 month and 3 weeks , I didn’t call CIC call center at all , some of my friends who is expert in citizenship applications informed me that frequent calls will definitely delay the application while it is totally useless
I had my test and my interview 6 months earlier, my son was 17 years old and he didn’t attend the interview and The interviewer didn’t ask me about him at all
Absolutely not random if it is like this , mathematically random means there is no regular pattern for selection , choosing 100th , 200th and so on means there is a regular pattern in choosing the applications