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Search results

  1. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Umair3 & mayank_6, Lets find out, I will workout more on MUN. And I think U of Manitoba has higher fees
  2. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    According to AccuWeather.com, Today's Temperatures are as: Calgary: Current -7, (Min -9 Max -5) Saskatoon: -7 (-16. -4) St, John's (NF): 8 (8, 11) Regina: -6 (-9, -3) I dont know credibility of AccuWeather.com, but this the story :-)
  3. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    @ LION I am planning too and worried about same things that you are. Please share if you get any information regarding this university, part time jobs, visa success rate and what happens after graduation? I have tried to get some info on this forum either by direct posts or sending personal...
  4. kismail96

    Need Guidance Regarding Bank Statement

    Thanks dear, And if I withdraw money from that account and open an account in my father's name, and show that money as my father's saving... Will it do?
  5. kismail96

    Need Guidance Regarding Bank Statement

    Hi All Experts, Can I show bank statement of a shared account, shared with a friend. Actually we are business partners. And I wish to show a bank statement of that account. Please advise me. Thanks
  6. kismail96

    How to Calculate CGPA?

    On Virtual University website, an excel sheet is availabble. They applied this formula =ROUND((IF(E7>=80,4,IF(AND(E7<80,E7>=65),3+(E7-65)/15,IF(AND(E7<65,E7>=50),2+(E7-50)/15,IF(AND(E7<50,E7>=40),1+(E7-40)/10,0))))),2) According to this formula, 70% means 3.33 Is it correct?
  7. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Umair, is it your personal opinion ? or you have some solid evidence? Please help me, as I am planning to apply there. As far weather is concerned, its same all over Canada, Alberta and Saskatchewan in particular, where students tend to go as a first choice. I am really concerned about part time...
  8. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Hi LION717 , have you applied to MUN?
  9. kismail96

    Any Pakistanis studying in Memorial university Newfoundland?

    Hi All, I am Khalid from Pakistan. I am also targeting MEng - Oil & Gas. My Profile: BE Mechanical 68.81% IELTS 7 Overall (L8-R6-W7-S7) Overall Experience 5 Years (Recent 2+ years in Oil & Gas Sector) What are my chances? Anything that can enhance my chances to get admission in MUN, please...
  10. kismail96

    Any1 got admission in Memorial University of New Found Land, plz Reply..

    I wish to apply in MEg Oil & Gas. Anyone got admission there? How is Competition here? My profile: B Eng Mechanical 68.81% IELTS 7 overall Experience 5 Years (Current 2 and a half years in Oil & Gas)
  11. kismail96

    U of calgary... help needed

    Did you contact a supervisor for U of Calgary admission?
  12. kismail96

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Hi, I have gone through the whole thread. I intend to apply in MUN's program MEng - Mechanical Engineering or Oil & Gas My Profile: B.Eng 68.81% (No backlogs) IELTS 7 overall Experience 5 years Oil & Gas Please suggest me my chances, and which discipline should I apply?
  13. kismail96


    Hey JJ here... :-)
  14. kismail96

    Better Option: Educational Loan or Father Sponsorship?

    I suppose Father's sponsorship is better option if you've got property and land etc on your Father's account.
  15. kismail96

    Chances Of Getting Admission in University of Alberta/Calgary

    Try U of Saskatchewan and U of Regina. Both are quite cheaper and not bad in ranks. But in U of Saskatchewan, even for coourse-based program, you have to contact a supervisor and preferably in Regina as well