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  1. moonarch

    LONDON Visa Office Applicants....Lets connect here

    mail them LDNIMMIGRATION@international.gc.ca
  2. moonarch

    BA/BCOM 2 years from pakistan = ECA ???

    Yeah from Univ of karachi... i tell u the procedure which is very hectic doing from UOK..infact 1st u ve to decide which agency have u opted for ECA..if u r doing wid IQAS then u just have to pay IQAS fee and then print their academic request form and fill ur part on it.IQAS doesnt ask fo HEC...
  3. moonarch

    BA/BCOM 2 years from pakistan = ECA ???

    2 years Diploma evaluated by IQAS...
  4. moonarch

    LONDON Visa Office Applicants....Lets connect here

    Ofcourse not..do not send them statement if theyve nt asked...u need to keep ur account updated urself...as they also know currency trend
  5. moonarch

    LONDON Visa Office Applicants....Lets connect here

    i think this is nt a serious matter. they check at the time of sumbission, bcz forex fluctuation is daily based so no one can predict the future value as well...but its better to deposit amount filling deficit nd trying to keep ur amount bit ahead of required.....as Looney (CAD) is expecting to...
  6. moonarch

    I am confused

    FIrst check ur eligibility using below link https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/come-canada-tool-immigration-express-entry.html Then check ur CRS score http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp Good luck
  7. moonarch

    LONDON Visa Office Applicants....Lets connect here

    Well this doesnt make any problem, if ur funds were less then required at the time of docs submission...bt drastic deficit may cause issue...i hope u adequately had submitted ur statement more then required funds...
  8. moonarch

    Express entry status (longer than 6months)

    This is a usual dilemma..sometimes application are not even touched for a long time after any small progress..this takes time to get finalized...
  9. moonarch

    Express entry status (longer than 6months)

    u need to order GCMS notes..this will definitely elucidate what s being done wid ur app...sometime it does due to extensive travelling...or seniors may spotlight properly
  10. moonarch


    Can i order my GCMS notes from my country using my brother`s citizenship card who lives in canada??
  11. moonarch

    Pakistani Applicants for Express Entry, Let's Network Here

    i fu dont want to send SSC, HSC then go for IQAS...they dont ask for HEC, SSC , HSC kinda things..
  12. moonarch

    eligibility points

    if both the positions fall under NOC --- job description then u can claim for both...
  13. moonarch

    Does MBA Evening Qualify as Masters for Express Entry

    Why not?? ofcourse it does...16 years education considers there 4 years bachelor degree for pak case...
  14. moonarch

    PCC - Pakistan

    if the district is same then all addresses will be mentioned in the form that u fill while providing information to ur recent SSP office...i suggest going to ur town police office and tell them the whole story..that all addresses have to be mentioned in PCC
  15. moonarch

    LONDON Visa Office Applicants....Lets connect here

    Hi hira u too at LVO...welcome to the land of turtles...well wish u godspeed ahead..
  16. moonarch

    Gift Deed Amount Has Droped On Exchange Rate

    its highly recommended to add funds meet up to requirements...
  17. moonarch

    Post e-APR Process and Common Reasons for Rejection

    it seems additional statement that u may search for employment in Canada..the statement looks like "how to find job letter" from CIC when file transfers to LVO...or seniors may give better response...
  18. moonarch

    Chances for teachers

    Being as FSW u r free to go anywhere in canada...getting a job as teacher is diff dilemma but its not concept that they do not invite teachers,,once u r eligible as per their NOC and other requirements can be invited for sure..
  19. moonarch

    Chances for teachers

    ofcrse teachers can apply via FSW too..check below link.. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/become-candidate/eligibility/find-national-occupation-code.html