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  1. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Applicant's File No. Received by Got AOR Decision Made Got Approval Name BC PNP Office by E-Mail by E-Mail Letter by MAIL affenbrotbaum SO-14-16**. 01april 2014...
  2. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Applicant's File No. Received by Got AOR Decision Made Got Approval Name BC PNP Office by E-Mail by E-Mail Letter by MAIL affenbrotbaum SO-14-16**. 01april 2014...
  3. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Work permit support letter only issued once your PNP approved, They email work permit support letter for immediate apply for work permit or work permit extension, mean while you are waiting for your nomination package by mail. I do not have any information about apply new work permit with...
  4. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    I am explaining you a restoration status. My Work Post graduation work Permit expire on August 15, 2014. before it's expired i applied for work permit extension (Paper based application) So i can work legally on implied status, after two month my work permit extension file reviewed and i got...
  5. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    My work permit expired, then i apply for work permit extension and got rejected, and got 90 days to restore my status. after few weeks i got my approval.
  6. aashu1986

    BC PNP Semi-Skilled & Entry Level

    Hello R1982, jeroshmin applied on MAY 07, 2014. and his/her file opened today and asking for more documents. hopefully u will get your response very soon.
  7. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Hello Jeroshmin. Best of Luck, GOD is always with us, hope you will get your approval very soon. Thank you.
  8. aashu1986

    BC PNP Semi-Skilled & Entry Level

    i am not in Vancouver, i am in north west territories, it's all depend on your employer.
  9. aashu1986

    BC PNP Semi-Skilled & Entry Level

    Hello Benlie I have already applied for BC PNP, and waiting for the decision. no i do not found any difficulties for asking, my employer is very cooperative with me. but i will suggest you to get the some information from the any immigraton lawyer. Thank you.
  10. aashu1986

    BC PNP Semi-Skilled & Entry Level

    Hello Guys, Those who applied under Semi-Skilled & Entry Level category in BC PNP, please update here. is your work permit expire during the process? or still valid.
  11. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Hello Friends, who have applied on month of MAY. please update your status regularly, because we haven't heard any news about MAY processing in this forum. please update regularly so our stress level will be low. Thank you.
  12. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Congratulations Lucadi, I wish you will recive you package very soon.
  13. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Best of Luck and Lucadi, and Thanks for keep updating regarding your BC PNP File. Can you tell us, Which duration of Pay stub they asked, and what specifically document asked about implied status. Thank you.
  14. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    I have request to all the member of the forum, who have applied at end of April and month of MAY, please update your status regarding BC PNP Regularly. so we will know, exact time of BC PNP approval and processing pattern. Thank you.
  15. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Great Work R1982, I am adding some more information that, i know personally. Applicant name. File no. Applied. AOR. Decision. Got approval...
  16. aashu1986

    BC PNP application

    Your turn will be very soon, might be in mid of next week, best of luck, GOD is always with us. :)
  17. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Don't loose your hope, you are very near to the decision. My best wishes is with you, everything will be fine. GOD is always with us. check you personal message, i have just sent you. Thank you
  18. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Thank devinma, u gave me a lot hope, thats our turn is not far a way. @lucadi: what the date written in your AOR email for reciving you file. might be u wrote date of submission, but what date of receivng file in bc pnp office.
  19. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Congrats Devinma Please is your work permit expire during this process? or your work permit still valid?
  20. aashu1986

    BC PNP April 2014

    Thank you all for your quick reply. GOD is always with us, and we hope that everything will be good with us. I have one request that, please update your status or email reply from the BC PNP, This is the only forum where we can ease our tension because we all are in same situations, and almost...