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  1. L

    Status of Child born in Canada

    yea i read the article. It rather confirms my suspicion that a birth certificate issued in canada doesn't say anything about the legal status of parents in canada and citizenship of the newborn. They ask for a mute dummy canadian birth certificate to issue a canadian passport to non-citizens and...
  2. L

    Status of Child born in Canada

    Don't children born to diplomatic staff also get a canadian birth certificate? I believe any child born in any country gets a birth certificate from the birth country. Now, my question is, since canadian birth certificates don't say anything about legal status of parents and citizenship status...
  3. L

    about new law

    The validity of a PR card is irrelevant. But the residency rule to maintain the PR status did not change. It still is 2 out of 5.
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    Why would anyone /not/ say the oath?

    That's my whole point. In this day and age, swearing to die to a monarchy (maybe even for a bad cause or bad decision the monarch inadvertently made) is ludicrous. In my humble opinion, it just does not make sense. If the bad decision was made by a legitimate government, which was chosen by the...
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    Lacking photo id originally used for application, exam/interview in two weeks

    Expired or not, I think it's illegal to possess two DLs here in Canada. On DL renewal, you are supposed to destroy the expired copy. On exchange, say, if you change a province, your new province will confiscate your old DL before they issue you a new one. So, i think, you are absolutely safe...
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    Why would anyone /not/ say the oath?

    hmm i thought the allegiance would obligate and conscript you to fight on her and her heirs behalf and die if you need to.
  7. L

    Why would anyone /not/ say the oath?

    screech339, I just have a question for you. Feel free to ignore it if you like. Immigrant or not, are you comfortable in signing and swearing an unconditional allegiance to a person (a foreign queen, in this case) in this time and age? Thanks.
  8. L

    Citizenship / U.S. business

    When was the RQ actually issued? If it's issued by CIC-Sydeny, i think they do it on the same day as the start of processing. If issued by CIC-Sydney, does your online ecas status mention that a letter (RQ) was sent to you before they transferred your file to Calgary?
  9. L

    Why would anyone /not/ say the oath?

    i think the news article says the officer made an error in determining whether the man mouthed the oath, and they are looking for the same man whom they denied the citizenship.
  10. L

    Very important volatile question

    if you were visiting vancouver from within canada, do not mention anything anywhere at all. if you flew in from overseas, stayed for 3 days in vancouver and flew out of canada, list that in the Residence Calculator appropriately. if you had a job elsewhere during your vancouver trip, you were...
  11. L

    lawsuits against C24

    i do not care what people like you think. I do not respond to people who are ignorant, selfish or devoid of fundamental concept of fairness. You keep spouting your misconceptions here. Anyhow whatever, good luck with you ignorance... minister chris this, this government that... this country...
  12. L

    can i loose citizenship?

    Yes, you are right, in this case. But, to just reiterate my very initial point: Canada can revoke a citizenship that's obtained fraudulently or by a misrepresentation whether the individual, in effect, becomes stateless or not. So I'm just agreeing to disagree. cheers.
  13. L

    can i loose citizenship?

    "Canada can make Deepan a deportee..." Isn't that my point? If he is made a deportee (and/or is in detention), isn't it that he is technically stripped of the Canadian citizenship and, in effect, became stateless? Like you said, he is declared a deportee (or in detention), with no citizenry...
  14. L

    How to count days

    i thought the residence calculator takes care of it. To your specifics: i think it doesn't matter when the plane lands and when (or what time) you boarded a Canada-bound plane. What matters most is when exactly the immigration officer enters your details in to CBSA computer system and when he...
  15. L

    can i loose citizenship?

    Yes, you are right in some sense... this dude's case is not an ideal example for my argument. But then still, his parents intentionally lied about their diplomatic status (i.e., misrepresented a material fact) and got him (their newborn) a Canadian citizenship. And then of course, once grown, he...
  16. L


    I know the title of the article says citizenship denied due to breast cancer. But if you read through, you will see that she was denied a PR status because she was diagnosed with breast cancer. So your wife won't be denied citizenship just because she fell ill. I am not sure though but I think...
  17. L

    1095 days exactly causes any problems??

    76 days?? If you applied with 1098 days, you were definitely away for 362 days in the preceding 4 years from the day you applied.
  18. L

    Turning PR card at the Oath Ceremony

    You just cannot ask them to give you the PR card back! There is a legitimate reason why they confiscate the card. Once they confer you with a canadian citizenship, the PR card automatically becomes void and invalid (whether they give it back to you or not.) If, for some reason, you happen to...
  19. L

    can i loose citizenship?

    Whether you are a dual citizen or not, a Canadian citizenship can be revoked if you obtained the Canadian citizenship fraudulently or by misrepresentation in the first place. Statelessness is irrelevant and Canada is not obligated to honor a fraudster. The fact that a fraudulent individual...
  20. L


    Your PR status has absolutely nothing to do with your PR card's validity/expiry. You will lose your PR status if do not reside two years out of five revolving years. Don't worry -- even if your PR card expires, your PR status is unaffected as long as you continue to live in Canada. So if your PR...