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  1. Thi91

    help me in filling answer sheet of ielts

    u need to write down the answers.. try this link! http://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare-test/understand-test-format/reading-test/example-answer-sheet BTW, when are gona take it? applying for fall'13?
  2. Thi91

    FALL 2013 Aspirants Going for Graduate Study Share your profiles.

    I am trying to get in for fall'13 in CS! Confused in picking the univ..! gona take exams in a week.. :o I know its too late! praying alot to apply before deadlines are over :-[ vat abt u?
  3. Thi91

    Suggest me some UNIVERSITIES PLEASE!

    hope you have applied by now...! me too trying for fall'13...but, in CS! I heard that UNB,memorial univ of NF,Unif of manitoba are quite less expensive...!
  4. Thi91

    masters fees

    are u applying for fall'13 MASTERS program? U dint specified u'r UG mark..tats y i am asking! BTW, I am applying for masters too-fall'13!(computer science) :) reply me plz..!
  5. Thi91

    Fall 2013 applicant for - tips?

    i think u'r selection of univ's r appropriate! In general, there are more chances in getting acceptance from any two of this! But, I dont have any idea in u'r stream! :'(
  6. Thi91

    Fall 2013 session - Masters in British Columbia

    I am not an expert in this! I got this info as I searched for my req recently! many reputed univ closes around mid dec! before that take u'r exam.... mid-range univ s open until dec end.. and some of the univ upto feb too...! If u need to apply for financial aid, u have to apply before! And...
  7. Thi91

    2013 Anyone looking for 1 yr pg diploma course in ontario, with a IT bkgrnd.

    I am trying for masters in CS for fall'13..!
  8. Thi91

    Memorial University of Newfoundland

    have u applied for any univ yet?
  9. Thi91

    Deadline for applying for Fall 2013 Intake in most of the Univ and Colleges

    I am not an expert in this! I got this info as I searched for my req recently! :) many reputed univ closes around mid dec! before that take u'r exam.... mid-range univ s open until dec end.. and some of the univ upto feb too...! If u need to apply for financial aid, u have to apply before...
  10. Thi91

    Anyone Applying to usask, umanitoba (masters) Fall 2013

    I am thinking about applying to this univ! May I know abt ur profile? which stream u'r from? vats the min req for these univ? have any idea?
  11. Thi91

    General Consolidated Queries : Need Help - TIGER,MOMI etc Humble Request

    Hi, I am also trying for fall'13! Did u got all the req info? Cracked IELTS? Hope u'hv already applied to some univ! Please reply...