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  1. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I think twitter is best way to remind them we are waiting but if for some people is easy to email or call MP, either way is helpful.
  2. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I hope it will become a law before summer break, but you could be right things are moving really slow,
  3. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Also she mention that she belive c6 it will be a law by the end of the june. https://twitter.com/SenJaffer/status/864179531246182401
  4. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yup, also here is a quote from sen. jaffer Masoud Nematollahi‏ @MasoudNemat 4h4 hours ago Dear Senator Jaffer, does this mean you expect #HoC not to accept #SenCa amendments? Sen. Mobina Jaffer‏Verified account @SenJaffer 24m24 minutes ago Replying to @MasoudNemat @immitrack @ibiw1 I...
  5. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    All this mean HOC consider refusing some of the amendments
  6. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I do believe people vote based on the interest
  7. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Does anyone know if Senator Diane Griffin and Senator Victor Oh vote against or pro Bill C6?
  8. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    next meeting on may 2nd. https://sencanada.ca/en/content/sen/chamber/421/orderpaper/114op_2017-05-02-e
  9. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Here http://senparlvu.parl.gc.ca/XRender/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20170412/-1/6704?useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; MAAR; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; rv:11.0) like Gecko
  10. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

  11. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Does anyone know if sen. Griffin voted pro or against, amendment represented by sen. Jaffer and sen. Omidvar on citizenship revoked?
  12. C

    Bill C-6, current status, FACTS only

    I know some people, who know some people who have high connection to senate, and they told me that, I should listen to sen. Jaffer as she know way more then you.
  13. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    At this point don't care whats going to happen with this bill , but one thing I know for sure, as long as I am alive always iam going to vote and fight against Conservatives.
  14. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Next meeting on March/28/2017 And on the motion in amendment of the Honourable Senator McCoy, seconded by the Honourable Senator Ringuette: That Bill C-6 be not now read a third time, but that it be amended, (a)in clause 3, on page 4, by replacing line 1 with the following: “3 (1)Subsection...
  15. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    True, but I honestly still prefer Trudeau over Harper and McCallum over Alexander. I just don't understand why they had to present amendment on third reading?
  16. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    It will be amendments also senator Jaffer mention, on twitter twitter.com/SenJaffer/status/834813377868206081
  17. C

    BREAKING NEWS Bill C-6 finally passed in HoC, Now reading in Senate

    Liberals are not mature and not confident in comparison with Conservatives, they even lost election they are still on control.
  18. C

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    yeah, nice try.
  19. C

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Just piss me off, when I read some reviews. every one thinks that has more bad situation to another. They think is just and blessing to be here, Some people just don't realize that some ppl sold everything what they have to settle here to plan they future life in Canada.
  20. C

    Toward Understanding Bill C-6 to Amend Citizenship Act; new 3/5 rule plus

    Bill C-6 does not address certain provisions of Bill C-24 regarding the following: the power that Bill C-24 granted to the minister to revoke citizenship based on a paper review with no judicial hearing; and it does not address provisions in Bill C-24 that provided a prohibition on citizenship...