Butcher boy what company your working for? And what agency did u apply in the Philippines ? Thats sad if your employer pay for everything and then u will just leave so soon, that would affect some filipino worker wanted to come here, ur employer might not get employee from Philippines anymore...
Hi everyone :) i applied last Monday dec 16 for a work permit, and just today i saw an update in MyCIC and the final decision has been reach says Approved !!!!wow im so lucky hey?! thank God :)
Sorry it was my employer who called them, i think it is really taking too long in BC, toronto and Vancouver from what i am reading in this forum , good luck to you Mayan :)
Im not really sure but i called my employer wednesday to ask if theres any result yet, and then he said he will call service canada and then it was approved by Friday and then went to see him Saturday :)
Thank you PJR3055, i applieD last Oct. 21, Got it Dec 14, its unnamed lmo so its faster, but actually on their website it says 5 days, so i waited pretty long too