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  1. icesfluffy


    is it just me or is the immigration site not working right now
  2. icesfluffy


    ANADA (i think I got it this time lol)........the time apart can have u acting crazy and say stupid ish i do it to just last night my husband called me to say he was goin to sleep and what not and hung up and i was like but wait dis man did not say "i love you" he couldent be to bright so i...
  3. icesfluffy


    ANNDA (i think i spelt that wrong lol ) ..........i also understand the whole lieing thing u should not have to put up with lying or any kinda of betrayal don't get me wrong ... i dont no if im being the devils advocate in this but i heard you throw around the trust word alot but it does not...
  4. icesfluffy


    what is the diffrence between "CAIPS NOTES" and "GCMS NOTES"
  5. icesfluffy


    can some one post the page for caips notes
  6. icesfluffy

    Address Disappearing August 2011

  7. icesfluffy


    im soo lost bare with me while i explain this i went to go check my email suprize i got one from ecas tracker (but) when i opened it it said was showin my latest update to my ecas but there was nothing new it said the same thing that is already in my ecas "We received your application for...
  8. icesfluffy


    today has been a trying day for me i woke up with anxiety in me today and im surprised that i did not have a heart attack today the way my heart has been beating no one seems to understand but in here what im going thru i could barely hold it together at work today i have not ate i feel sick to...
  9. icesfluffy


    i signed as his representative...and send in the originals cuz they ask for it anyways so instead of putting a extra delay on ur prossecing time its best to send in the hard copy its already a stressful wait why add more stress :o lol
  10. icesfluffy


    feelin very antsy today hope i hear great news befor the end of may.........congrates to anyones updates and welcome to the newbies and great hopes for the ones who are still waiting...
  11. icesfluffy

    Application processing times

    i applied aug 2011 and i did not get my aprovel until nov 2011
  12. icesfluffy

    MP contact?

    oceans_end--------i was wondering if u have heard of any thing yet from ur MP or your E-cas i called my mp a couple months back and i got a call in less then 24hrs back from here and she told me the same thing as u that they were doin background checks and have a uther then that that is all the...
  13. icesfluffy


    i have no updated on my e-cas i beileive my vo does not beliveie in them but i did call my MP and 2 months ago and said how there still lookin in to his crimanl because he did travel to cayman alot back in the day but he has no record over there so i dont see whats takin so long nor does he...
  14. icesfluffy

    Arriving in Canada before approval, visitor visa extension?

    not sure if that is the best of ideas to receive a visitors visa approval is not as easy as it seems
  15. icesfluffy

    Application Status

    ya you have to wait for that letter that cic will email you and on it you will get your UCI number and thats the number you untill you have that number ur app will not show in the system
  16. icesfluffy


    woke up to a bad day today i was so hopein MAY would have been my month but it looks like a negative you would think im a robot cuz i don't sleep much my mind wont allow me i don't want to sound selfish but i just want my turn to be over and hubby to be here like everyone else im not even goin...
  17. icesfluffy

    do I need option C printout?

    YES YOU NEED IT....your application my be returned to you stating that it is incomplete if it is not included save your self the grief put in what ever they have asked from you on there check list
  18. icesfluffy


    i did respond ...if u got a notice to re-med that means it has expired
  19. icesfluffy


    it has expired