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  1. tigersingh


    Koi chakkar nI saare e Chd Wale ne ethe. sab wait kar rahe ne
  2. tigersingh


    Which college and which course??? I had also filed my case on 12 july for humber. college wireless telecommunication Pg course
  3. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Re: CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants yup, thode e Dina ch rabb cheti e krau balle balle.
  4. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Re: CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants Hune e aenii excitement ..... Visa jisdin laggea us din ki hou :P :P
  5. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Many many congrats Navi :) Now start shopping and pack your luggage .. we will be joining you soon :)
  6. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    yes, as chc Delhi takes one business day to courier your file to chc chandigarh.
  7. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Bro it depends on present address. like if A is from Punjab but he/she is currently living(present address mentioned in visa application) in Delhi then his/her case will be processed by chc Delhi office. But if A is from Punjab and currently living in punjab then his/her case will be processed...
  8. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Re: CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants not yet 22 jii
  9. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Harmanjeet singh from Mohali, he worked at Tata.", and at present he is in New Zealand.
  10. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Nopes, no news till today. Ek tan garmii vadhi jaa rahi a utteo VO's de nakhree ni lot. Saadii vaari e strike honi cigii kI??? In btw, Ritu how do you Harmanjeet singh(honey)??
  11. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    hEY ... Very sad to hear that news, but dont let urself down. Standup and file the case again for jan 2014 intake. But according to me your course is relevant. Have they specified any other reason ??
  12. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    01. Creatorzz Son - Applied 22nd May - Under processing 02. ms.mech - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 03. AJ01 - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 04. Harsewak - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 05. SumanNanda...
  13. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    01. Creatorzz Son - Applied 22nd May - Under processing 02. ms.mech - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 03. AJ01 - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 04. Harsewak - Applied 03rd June - GOT VISA 05. SumanNanda...
  14. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Congrats bro!!!! u have given us a hope..aaj te fer party bndi aaa
  15. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Nope my waiting period starts from day,, just filed my case today. Hope to see Visa sticker soon on passport. hehe in btw try to be positive. there are so many peeps on this forum who reflects negative vibes. just ignore and try to induldge urself in any activity that keep u busy like goin out...
  16. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    Check ur inbox, sent u a pvt msg :)
  17. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    So we are supposed to be classmates great. What is ur Fb ID??
  18. tigersingh

    CHC Chandigarh--------------- Fall'13 Applicants

    sorry to say but Ritu ehvee nI hundaaa. if your residence falls in Punjab hp hr or Chd then ur case will be only processed in Chandigarh. rest all states go with Delhi. chintaa na kroo sarea de visaa lagange