Thank u hasan. But in their letter they mention that they will not add any papers before interview. So i never send any papers. By this time my spouse visited me and very soon we will meet again. Wt can i do now, Thanks....
Hi, I noticed that i ve to face the interview just after 5 months of my application submission. 13 months gone i didnt got the date. Im just waitin n waiting.......
I got same letter from SVO 13 months ago. I didnt got any date yet....hahahaaaa. May be you have wait many months. Somewhere i read they arrange interview Nov -Feb yearly in Bangladesh. Be strenght...keep quite...
Deat Aiisha, Interview means u r in red flag. It will take long time. One yr ago i received this type of mail from svo..still i didnt get any still waiting.....just pray and ask help to ALLAH...
So far i know they arrange interview nov-feb yearly. Just pray n ask help to Allah. long waiting messed up my life. So try to make a good relation with ur spouse. if u loose ur pations then u will.......
Hi...i got a mail from singapore may 13, and informed in thear interview list n they will inform me when n where it will taken... im in stress...could u plz give some advise?