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Search results

  1. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Yes I did received it via email AND also via your EE profile - so dont worry :) it will come !!
  2. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Another tiny update : got yesterday via UPS delivered to our door step the actual nomination certificate from Ontario - whao !
  3. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Blokik! My advice would be to upload the form / send it to CES directly during your ECA application or after your ECA application so they can right away share later with OINP.. I had to send the form to : ces.fswp@utoronto.ca + add your CES file Number and OINP Number. And I had cc'ed...
  4. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut les amis ! Charlotte, ne desespere pas ! Je viens d'avoir ma nomination il y a deux jours - cependant OINP s'etait trompe dans le job seeker code (alors que je l'avais bien donne correctment) et il ne trouvait pas mon profile ! J'ai du leur repondre sous 24h avec la lettre de IRCC...
  5. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Paul, peux tu partager le lien pour les new requirements ? Mon status still decision in progress :))
  6. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    morning my dear friends, a little update from me: now application is status " Decision in Progress " I realize that sharing updates also give hope and faith to all of us waiting, like I was few weeks ago. hope it helps have a good week
  7. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    another quick update - have received email from OINP asking me to complete and sign a Consent form to CES to disclose my ECA report. I am a bit surprised as I remember during my CES ECA application that i had already selected " authorize disclosure " to province nomination program... However I...
  8. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Un petit update de mon cote : OINP application status now " Assessment " on 14th April
  9. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Oui j'ai aussi note la super ambiance qu'ils ont dans leur post :-) Cependant, Ontario vient de stopper le stream 3 jours apres l'avoir ouvert :) Autrement dit, ils sont en train de revoir le "peu de dossiers" qu'ils ont accepte... Je ne pense pas que nous devons desesperer :) Attendons et nous...
  10. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Rover :) Je viens de voir qu'on a le meme NOC et qu'on est dans le meme bateau pour OINP :-) Interessant de se suivre et de se connecter ! Ciao
  11. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Salut Paul ! pareil pour moi, je suis toujours en "submitted" depuis le 26 mars... :-)
  12. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Hello ! I wanted to find out if locals in Toronto do care or not about which program you come from as a PR. I connected via linkedin to a couple of local headhunters / search executives agent. And one came back to me by stating that : local HRs knows about the different PR scheme for new comers...
  13. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Bonjour Charlotte - juste pour clarifier 1 - parles tu du OINP French Speaking Skilled Worker streams ? 2 - as tu soumis ton dossier en ligne via leur portail ? 3 - quand as tu recu ton invitation pour la nomination d'Ontario ? A bientot !
  14. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    And last post of the day for me : here is the link for the statistics. http :// www . cic . gc . ca / english / resources / reports / ee-year-end-2015 . asp look for the section on Express Entry Processing Times. FSW via EE 4.7 months on average Provincial/ Territorial Nominees via EE 3.8...
  15. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Just FYI for MAC users - do NOT use Firefox but only SAFARI I thought initially the lag issue was due to overloaded servers ... but when I tried again with Firefox at different time slots, same issue. However, the moment I used Safari, NO issue whatsoever :) Just sharing tip !
  16. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Call it an insurance. In addition I have checked on stats and ITA with Province Nomination is faster to be processed than straight through ITA - as the province would have already checked your documentation. I also hope that as there are very few candidates on the French Stream and now that the...
  17. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Voila ! OINP application PAID and SENT Today ! 1 - I can tell you that despite having all documents, you must have LOTS of patience to compile respective docs into PDF and re enter all details one by one into the forms 2 - PDF file limit is 5 MB ! not 10 MB as displayed on the site..You might...
  18. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    arghh been stuck on the first page Profile...Please wait keep showing...and firefox shows : " Waiting for www . services.citizenship.gov. on .ca " looks like website has issues to move to next page...Will try again Yes PCC is later, post ITA :) Thanks
  19. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Yes indeed ! thanks again :) I have all the documents required (including the Employment letters and Police certificate) Logging all details as we speak! cheers
  20. magicangmoh

    OOPNP French-Speaking Skilled Workers Stream

    Dear friends, great news ! just got notified from Ontario !! "The Government of Ontario is interested in considering you for nomination under its Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) through Express Entry. If you want Ontario to consider you for nomination under its PNP you must contact Ontario...