grades of such stdents are good.. above 78% in matric and fsc..
but what about the degree in uni..
i left that degree cz that was no recgnizd.. not equlnt to engineering.. only 4 yrs bs degree...
yes i read their posts... their profiles were awsme.. infact.. almost same as mine.. i said that before.. mentioning it again... if qota for jan is over... may b i wil get postv respnse.. lets hope for best...
on the letter of acptnce.. its writen that. i am eligble for jan, may and sept intake... ..
so i highlighted may intake...
so i dont think that i hav to take defer leter from uni...
i planed to apply for jan intake.. my case was rdy for jan.. but i got late... so marked may intake on loa ... and aplied nov 5th... i thought for jan thy might simply rejct my case..
well.... qota for the january intake is over?
i aplied for may intake... other few guys having same profile like me are alrdy rejectd...
if this would be reason.. may be i will have some chances.. for mAY intake...
no one gets any call.... if u will be eligble for visa.. u will get medical call.... or simply rejection...
just relax and wait.... and pray, the most important
2 3 students from india got their visas tday....
well good luck to them....
what about chc islamabad... rejecting al visas..
either the cases are not strong... or the image is negtv?
nothing personal.. just a thought...
sory to hear about u bro... i also aplied for uni of regina... same case... doing electronic engineering.. showd transcripts..
dnt wry bro.. i will be with u... i knw my results... :P but lets hope for best..