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  1. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Many thanks for reply n valuable links, much appreciated
  2. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    My brother has few business traveling, with permission of chamber of commerce, total days outside canada is 65 days. Can he count these days towards presence days. Since its business n with approval of chamber. Any input from friends
  3. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Got AoR, updated, online status " application received " Q. Do they send AOR after review of application and required documents? Q. What is average timeline after receiving of AOR n final citizenship I am from Scarborough, Ontario Thanks
  4. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Physical presence...1175 days Signed your mail? You mean who received my application? If so, i dont know, will this info be available on AOR
  5. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    AOR email today Appl sent Dec 22 Appl received Dec 27 AOR received Feb 6 Family 4 3 adults, 1 kid Scarnorough , Ontario
  6. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Thanks, i tend to agree
  7. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    I lived in Dubai for more than 180 days as resident, I attached previous police certificates and mentioned on covering letter that i will get a latest police certificate if required.. i expect they will keep processing the application rather sending that back. Is my understanding right?
  8. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Waiting for AOR, application delivered on Dec 27, what is best no to call them and enquire about the status? Thanks
  9. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Are you guys getting AOR as email or mail letter, what kind of information does it contain My application was received on Dec 27, waiting for AOR
  10. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    AOR, will it be by email or postal mail,
  11. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Can we assume that the application and documents are complete, if we get AOR?
  12. R

    December 2017 - Citizenship Applicants

    Hi please add me Application sent.. Dec 22, Delivered: Dec 27 Family, 3 adults, 1minor Live is Scarborough Waiting for acknowledgement
  13. R

    Police Certificate

    Thanks for your input, i lived in Qatar on work residence and have already submitted PCC for all previous years except the last leaving year, however i went through legal cancellation of my work visa from ministry on interior Qatar without any objection, i had submitted that paper as well. In...
  14. R

    Police Certificate

    I understand, we can submit police certificate during the process as well, they did not mention that the application will be returned. Also they as ... "if we dont get it, please explain"... this means they would like to listen the reason if not attaching a PCC with application. If they dont...
  15. R

    Police Certificate

    What about those who lived in middle east under work visa got clearance n cancellation of work/family visa from Ministry of Interior and never went back. Ministry will never clear you if you have any criminal record, any feedback, this applies to my case and i am taking this route
  16. R

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Rightly said..... i am also in waiting list and its been over 9 monhts. please keep me posted on my email i.e rfasihi@hotmail.com .
  17. R

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    We wish you great success... appreciate sharing your offical email ID for onward communication by our friends as required. Thanks
  18. R

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear Samsung94.. Your dates track are very similar to my case... hope for good news in Jan. 2013...
  19. R

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Thanks Muhammadk.... Sure i will send the CSI today..IA we will have positive development very soon..pls. update when you get the passport request.