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  1. Kadi27


    Hey Palara; From what I have seen with past forum members experiences; Kingston VO usually calls for passport request provided that no other documents are required. Therefore if your husband's medicals and/or PC are not expired at the time your file is ready to be finalized then they will call...
  2. Kadi27


    Congrats HOAO ;) You will be colored dark purple hun :-* We usually do it once PP is received with shiny visa. In the mean time I will update your status to Decision Made ;D What date did you hand in the PP? that is missing from your record
  3. Kadi27


    Welcome Palara. All the best on your journey; praying you hear something soon; keep the faith! I have added you the the spreadsheet. Can you tell me what is you e-cas status so I can add it.
  4. Kadi27

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    You both are too sweet; Trinaidian and Janaidian ;) Welcome Trinaidian and all the best; dont mind the rocky start; it just makes you stronger and wiser in the process. As C&T said its really good to have each other; plus you have stories to tell your kids :)
  5. Kadi27


    Yeahhhhh ;D PP on the way Janaidian ;) Congrats
  6. Kadi27


    A BIG CONGRATS CARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Mr. Carm; he looks like a natural! You both look so sweet in each other's arms; all the best! :-*
  7. Kadi27


    Congrats again hun :-* Atleast this trip down will be one of the better ones as there will be no airport goodbyes as hubby will be going with you ;D
  8. Kadi27


    Good Morning JamFam; Don't let this weather get you down! Cheer up; keep those positive thoughts going; it will surely filter to the Kingston office. Once there is life there is surely hope! Stay dry :-*
  9. Kadi27


    She tweet eh! She is gorgeous Sh and Sh ;D
  10. Kadi27


    This is crazy NTBWH; have you heard anything new since you found this out? You need to get management involved; heights of slackness!
  11. Kadi27

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hang in there Can-Vinc; your journey has been long but your victory will be sweet :-*
  12. Kadi27


    Only we know this walk best girl; so we need to be here for each other. Bless up! ;)
  13. Kadi27


    Good Morning JamFam; New week; great possibilities in store. I know for sure more PPRs and PP returns and In Process will be sent out today. Let's continue to walk by Faith and not by sight. Ask, Believe and Receive. Have a fabulous week everyone!
  14. Kadi27


    I am also agreeing with JDubs here Lexi; I think once the father is named on the birth certificate; they dont ask for DNA. Other members with more experience could confirm.
  15. Kadi27


    Thanks Chickie :-* Well Canadianwifey and I should be able to manage until one of us need to pass on the baton at some point.
  16. Kadi27


    Yes girl you are purple :P I updated the date; but just to be sure was PPR and PP handed in the same date?
  17. Kadi27


    Thanks so much Cafelatte; your in line next; 2014 is the year of increase. :)
  18. Kadi27


    Updated dear :) Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the concert ;D
  19. Kadi27


    Hey Chickie girl, How goes it? ;D I am back on duty with the sheet. JamFam, I have made a few updates please review and let me know if I have missed anyone or anything. Chickie I think you deserve to resign; did someone else agree to volunteer for the sheet?
  20. Kadi27


    hahahaha; no worries hun :-* Yea he did; and Kingston received them last Thursday before the Easter weekend. I have prepared my self for maybe a month or so before we hear anything again from them but our God is able to exceed our expectations. Keep preparing girl; it will take the stress off...