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  1. Kadi27


    Welcome RoxieB, try not to get frustrated and worry at this point seeing that the application is already submitted. You have received very sound advise so far. Continue to talk to your boyfriend and let him know that if the application should be refused it will frustrate both of you; and maybe...
  2. Kadi27


    Welcome mike29; and congrats on the baby news ;D All the best on your journey; and I pray that you will be there for your bundle of joy's earthday. I have added you to the spreadsheet.
  3. Kadi27


    Hey JamFam, Just popping in to say hello; I will have to get caught up in a few on whats been going on. In the mean time, continue to stay strong and keep the faith. Once caught up I will update the spreadsheet. Also, if there is anyone who would like to assist/or take over the spreadsheet...
  4. Kadi27


    So happy for you; everything is now in place; go live your beautiful life with hubby :-*
  5. Kadi27


    Beautiful Janaidian :D
  6. Kadi27


    Twins indeed :-* :P
  7. Kadi27


    Thanks Jamwife :-*
  8. Kadi27

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hey TriniFam, How is everyone doing I hope well. C&T :-* how is mama bear doing Keep strong Can-Vinc, wait is almost over ;) Thanks for the congrats Brit and you man will be here soon woman :P Congrats Ms Ruby, again POS is firing thru those apps Dr D, Behopeful, MzD, Trinaidian bless up...
  9. Kadi27


    Welcome back Sammy, wow thats sad! Though I am still happy hubby got to see his baby girl and your family was together. Speak it into being that that the next ticket will be his, and I pray that is so very soon. You continue to help us all Sammy so I know your time is near for PPR. Keep the faith
  10. Kadi27


    Hey JamFam, Sorry for my absence my full time job has been crazy busy, because the company is moving, plus my business that I do part time is really taking off so I have been MIA. Hubby got his passport back on Friday ;D but our land story will be a few months away as he makes arramgements for...
  11. Kadi27


    Good Morning JamFam, Be still and let God move; the Lord can equip you with the patience of Moses, if you believe. Kingston we love your efforts so far but continue to push through, many members still long awaiting PPRs, let's go!!!!!!!!!! Have an awesome day everyone!!!
  12. Kadi27


    Thank you so much Ladies :-* :-* Appreciate the love :D
  13. Kadi27


    Thanks Mrs. D :-*
  14. Kadi27


    Hahahaha; Thanks Sammy girl. Bwoy Sammy I would be wasting my time, hubby has his business to dissolve plus a friend's wedding to attend, so I am not expecting him for another couple months. But just knowing this immigration journey is complete will be a big weight lifted off us :)
  15. Kadi27


    DECISION MADE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Kadi27


    Woop Woop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaaaa Canjam ;D PP on the way :D
  17. Kadi27


    Yeaaaaaaaa ;D Look who is now enjoying her happy moment. So happy for you girl, all the best on your new immigration free journey ;)
  18. Kadi27


    Congrats girl, what God put together let no man put asunder. :-*
  19. Kadi27


    Great news and welcome to Canada NTBWH ;D
  20. Kadi27


    Wow!!!! DG I am so happy to be reading your landing story, perfect in every way. Have a happy rest of your life my dear :-*