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  1. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    It seems that the largest visa processing embassies are issuing visas normally despite of ongoing strick- http://www.thechinavoice.com/canadian-embassy-still-issuing-visas-despite-on-going-strike/ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AupOYDswvmtHdEY5TUJNOEg4N004QU8ySlBPVEJmQnc#gid=0...
  2. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    gbu said "he applied somthing wiith LMO".
  3. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    Hi Maz162 In this forum i saw that "qxoil" who applied 7th June got his decision within 8 week, then Why it take too much time in our case. Do we have anything to do in this situation?
  4. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    Is there anyone got work or study permit from CHC London recently? Please share time line. I have been waiting for more than 12 week.
  5. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    Nothing; No news................
  6. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    Hi maz162, Did you got your study permit already?
  7. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    My address is outside UK. I can not use a Royal Mail Special Delivery envelop. So what could be my best option? any idea? any suggestion? As I found this information in CHC London website: "Please ensure that you include a self-addressed envelope (at least 8" x 6") that we can use to return...
  8. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    Thanks Doda, I applied for work permit with labour market opinion (LMO). Did you pay the postal fees of your self-addressed return envelope by yourself in advance, which the embassy will use for returning your passport? or you just enclosed a self-addressed envelop and embassy will pay the...
  9. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    Thanks Doda, It seems quit logical that they received your pp on Friday (19.07) and issue your visa on next working day or Monday (22.07) as you got your LOI on that day through MyCIC.
  10. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    hi Doda, You received your passport request on 18.07. Hopefully you sent your pp next day 19.07 and CHC will stamp visa on your passport. My question is, how many days they (CHC London) could take to issue visa stamp on your pp? (Select the best answer) A. -They usually issue visa and send to...
  11. G

    Work permit London visa office or online application from uk

    Dr. Dodda, do you have any idea, how long they usually take to issue visa after approval?
  12. G

    LMO processing time

    I think LMO processing time greatly vary depending on province, city, current unemployment situation, profession and employers overall conditions. It could vary anywhere between 1 - 16 week. In my case it took less than 2 week but many cases people even wait for more than 12 weeks.
  13. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    Hey rosey1111 I applied with a job offer and LMO through online on 15th May. No further communication through MyCIC account, except the submission confirmation letter that I received shortly after my online application. I also need TRV to enter Canada.
  14. G

    Work Permit applications in CHC London - 2013

    Entered 10th week after online work permit application through CHC London. Losing interest, getting bored. Can anyone tell, how many days they usually take to stamp visa after approval?
  15. G

    what type of work permit
