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  1. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi behopeful! Not silly... hubby asked the same thing to which I replied... if they do you'll just stay there? This is how jaded we are... rather wait in TT than risk waiting for them to request it :)
  2. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Behopeful, thanks so much for that -- I hadn't seen that so I've only seen In Process as positive so it is good to get that perspective. They didn't ask for his passport b/c he is Vincy and he needed it to fly back, plus she said that she had to go back and review the whole package with a senior...
  3. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi everyone, trying not to look too much into this but our app status changed to In Process on ecas... any thoughts on what that might mean? My gut tells me that if they refused that it would change to Decision Made... but I don't want to get my hopes up.... hoping someone is online...
  4. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi Zouk & Behopeful, You're right... that is their concern it would seem (I would just like to reiterate that this was NOWHERE on our notes and not indicated on our interview request -- I just don't know why they didn't STATE that as their concern). We do not have a ton of proof of our...
  5. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi Everyone! Thank you all so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. We're going back and forth on the extra documentation too because it would be minimal b/c basically everything that we have we have sent already. The stuff we would be sending would literally be grasping. Hubby is...
  6. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Thanks Zouk and Ruby so much...we can only hope they were doing this to gauge reaction/responses... I'm trying to scrounge up every little last bit of proof that we may have that we didn't send in before. If I find any (which is doubtful b/c we really threw the kitchen sink at it)... do you...
  7. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi Everyone... finally an update... and it is not a great one. So apparently the VO gave hubby a really hard time about not having photos from the Christmas he came to visit me and my family on the east coast and she tried telling him that all of the photos that we do have are from after he left...
  8. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    awwww - thank you so much everyone! I'm just patiently waiting. Hubby got to his appointment SO early so i'm waiting just like you all are :). you all are just so amazing. he was doing good last night and this morning when we talked... so hopefully not much longer now.
  9. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Thanks Chickie and thank you again C&T
  10. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Ahhh - hubby is all set to fly out Sunday night in advance of his interview. Trying to maintain a reasonable level of sanity here. I'm doing ok for now b/c I'm at work and I'm fairly good at compartmentalizing but in about few hours when work is done, it may be a different story. We have...
  11. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi C&T.... i'm trying to hold it together as much as possible. I know he will do great, I'm really just worried for the rigmarole and hoops we will have to jump through after... but I get waiting after you know the outcome isn't as bad as waiting when you don't know... but I expect it is a...
  12. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Ahh Ms D! Your message made my heart warm. It has been so long since we've seen you on here (understandably). I'm glad you had a good holiday with your hubby and that you've made arrangements to not be apart for too long. It is such a blessing that you have found a way to be together during this...
  13. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Happy Holidays and upcoming New Year to everyone! In Toronto we were one of the 5+ days with no power peeps, so that made for a stressful, not so fun Christmas (not what I needed) but I don't have to go to work until Jan 2 so that is helping me to relax. Brit, congratulations! C&T, I think...
  14. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Mr & Mrs C&T... This is beautiful. You're an amazing woman and your husband, children, and friends are very lucky to have you in their lives. I can only hope you'll stick around (even if it is not AS often) on here. You're a source of hope, inspiration and strength and you deserve nothing but...
  15. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    echo... echooooo... echooooooo How is everyone doing? pretty quiet. I just didn't want us to drop way down off the first page :D I know we're all waiting with bated breath for Mr & Mrs C&T's update.
  16. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi Behopeful! Thank you for the kind words. We are mostly really excited for the interview but yes, there is some dread. The thought of it is intimidating but I have a lot of faith in my husband and he is getting excited for it, which was a concern of mine. I don't want him feeling too...
  17. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Hi Dadzin & C&T & Zouk for helping me out a few pages back (I haven't been on lately -- work has been crazy and lots of other stuff). We are getting all of our stuff together for the interview (a month from tomorrow). Today is our 1st anniversary... very bittersweet. This forum is amazing but...
  18. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Also, we got our notes back... no glaring issuess from what I can tell. One thing they mentioned a few times was that we are from different backgrounds... me being Canadian and him being from St. Vincent. It is funny because i don't really see this as an issue... our socio-economic backgrounds...
  19. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Thank you C&T, Zouk and Dadzin (I'm really sorry if I missed anyone... I really appreciate it. We definitely weren't planning on fabricating anything to make things look good... we have more than enough genuine stuff to prove our case.
  20. Can-Vinc

    Port of Spain Office, Trinidad and Tobago

    Question for all y'all! :) So for our interview, we were asked to take more and recent photos of us... and more proof of communication. So i'm going through some chat logs here and I've already got about 400 pages and counting (not even close to finished). How much should we really send for the...