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  1. D

    apply under general on 17th-11

    i have applied under nonspp on 7th nov and i got the visa on 14 th nov wid passport dispatch on 19 nov so dont worry pray to god u will get the visa
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    could u please tell me wich is best course ???? 1. elctromechanical engg technician also i have knowledge of PLC U know wat PLC is? 2. power engg technician 3. mining engg technician
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    there r certain reasons to choose this coz i was working person 6 months xperience in company i m ECE wid 75% and then after within 1 months given IELTS got 6 band and also i dont want to waste my time so i have taken this diploma course i know the imp. of masters
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    hi parul mam u know my profile i have aplied in elctromechanical engg technician 2 yrs in non spp and i got the visa in sheridan college.my question is can i do masters after completion of this diploma course and by geeting PR?????? also wat is job oportunity for elctyromechanical engg...
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    is it possible for me to do masters in canada?

    sorry bro i have applied for visa and it will be dispatched soon so i m asking is it possible for me or not part time or online after PR? and wich province is best for getting job elctromechanical engg technician course? is it sasketchwan or British columbia and how much time it takes in...
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    is it possible for me to do masters in canada?

    i got only 6 band(l-6,s-6,r-5.5,w-5.5) overall 6 band so it is not possible in any university bro
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    is it possible for me to do masters in canada?

    I got 6 band and I have taken admision in sheridan college elctromechanical engg technican diploma 10th-86% 12th-80% BE electronics and communication engg-75% distinction with 2 backlogs cleared in 2013 is it possible for me to do masters online or part time after getting PR ?
  8. D

    is it possible for me to do masters in canada?

    I got 6 band and I have taken admision in sheridan college elctromechanical engg technican diploma is it possible for me to do masters online or part time after getting PR ?
  9. D

    any one flying from baroda on 15???

    hi in sheridan college u r gng in elctromechanical engg technician course? I have applied for visa and waiting for it.I m from nadiad
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    32k fee for 1 year or 2 yr mam?
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    how much is ur University fees ? have u got schloarship or not in this university?
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    thank u for u r great response mam
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    Concordia University College of Alberta- Edmonton, 2015 Intake

    Parul madam kindlly see my profile and please reply me I have applied under SPP in Sheridan college –electromechanical engineering technician- 2 yrs diploma With Overall 6 band (L-6,S-6,R-5.5,W-5.5) and I got rejected. The reason was the proposed study did not match your previous qualification...
  14. D

    wich is best course diploma in canada for BE Electronics and connunication engg.

    wich is best course diploma in canada for BE Electronics and connunication engg. according to demand in canada so that visa cannot be rejected???? 1) power engg. technician 2)elctromechanical engg technician 3)mining engg technician 4)project mgmt 5)wireless info. networking 6)embeded...
  15. D

    what is differnce between Diploma, Advanced diploma and PG diploma in canada

    diploma means after 12th std one can go,? advanced diploma means after diploma one can do? PG dIPLOMA means after bachelor degree in engineering 1 can go? is it some what different??
  16. D

    Master is better or diploma in canada????

    thank u for u r wonderful response.also I want the review for University of windsor for elctrical and computer enggg. in masters coz I heard that it is not reputed university.Also I m good student coz I have distinction in my BE Electronics and communication 75%
  17. D

    visa rejection on 4/11/2014

    put u r file as fast as possible coz it is last date for before 30 november for nonspp students with coverage letter and pray to god 4 getting visa In wich college u r planning??
  18. D

    Master is better or diploma in canada????

    I have also one problem that relative is paying my fees and if I extend difficult for me to reach canada due to finance, after completing my elctromechanical engg technician diploma 2 yrs can I do masters in University of windsor in electrcal and computer engginering after GETTING PR????
  19. D

    Master is better or diploma in canada????

    but I have confusion that in master one can get research work only no practical knowledge which is avaliable in diploma and after compltion of masters can one GET JOB due to research work I m talking particularly in ontario province only for study in masters??? also I m interested in...