When will my apllication start process,, i applied on 14 th of august .. status is submitted,,,, and how i can know in which embessy my application process start @Bryanna
Hi applied online recently from india .... i just want to know that were online files are processed i mean only in india or canada also ?? And how we know were our file start processing
can we know were our application start processing i mean in which embessy ?? And online files which are applied from india is processed in india or also in canada ??
@sunitavig hlo .. am also going to apply .. can u please tell how do u compress docs .. i mean i have so many pages of my financial papers.. how can i make them smaller .. in how much quality and pixels
Congrats :- tell about your case who sponserd you? R u going to attend any marriage or any other event, which docs u used for file i mean what u are by professon , plz tell about ur file
One thing more my cousin is sponsering me ,,, in the form question is you have any family member in canada .. should i answer yes ???? Second thing - i dont have spouse or children , how can i sign the form ,, should i print it and scan back