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Search results

  1. seemefree

    Patronymic (Naming procedure)

    @legalfalcon Thank you very much for your time! If anything, I will consult with you further :)
  2. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    @canuck_in_uk @mattjp1 Hi guys, thank you for your time before. I have a quick question that I would like to clarify regarding the IMM5409E since I am filling it up now to my best knowledge. I am a national of country A, my partner of country B and we reside in country C together as...
  3. seemefree

    Patronymic (Naming procedure)

    Hello helpful people, I would like to get your expert opinions on how I should proceed on this. My common-law partner is Kazakh (Russian origin) and has a patronymic (Fathers name) in her name on all documents issued in Kazakhstan (Surname + Given Name + Patronymic) and a patronymic name is the...
  4. seemefree

    Personal History / Work History

    Thank you for your time. I believe you mean it does not affect my CRS right? And yes, I have already filled it into my personal history. My question was not whether to fill it in the personal history or work history section but rather how that period of my life should be indicated in my...
  5. seemefree

    Personal History / Work History

    @legalfalcon @DelPiero07 could you please help with this? Thank you very much in advance!
  6. seemefree

    Personal History / Work History

    Merry christmas all! I have a question on how I should indicate on&off freelance work in my personal/work history. I created my EE profile on the 28th of November and indicated only my part time / full time work at a company as work experience (under work history), for which I claimed points...
  7. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    Thank you both for taking the time! Really appreciate it! Im putting together questions that are coming up while sorting my documentation for the common law right now. Do not want to ask just for the sake of it. I will revert to this thread with a request for a final confirmation of what I will...
  8. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    Thanks a lot for the reassurance. Will keep the buffer in mind when working it out. One last thing, I submitted my EE profile (indicating Common-Law) on the X of November. I plan to submit my PR application at the end of Dec/Early Jan. So, as of the date of e-APR, I need to prove Common-Law...
  9. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    So what I am getting from the above is : 1. Lease - proves 1 year cohabitation (primary) 2. Local Municipality Declaration - Issued on Dec 2017, stating I have been registered at X apartment since Dec 2016. Same for my partner. This proves 1 year as of date of issue (primary) 3. Individual bank...
  10. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    Thanks for that @canuck_in_uk ! Point 2, The IMM5409E indicates a joint account as documentary evidence of common law. I am a bit confused now... Point 4, I will keep that as supplementary evidence. Mail - We received our WES evaluations at this address, separately. Seeing that it is...
  11. seemefree

    Common Law Proof

    Is nobody able to help with this? I would really appreciate some guidance here....
  12. seemefree

    Common-law - proof of relationship .. what supportive documents ?

    Sorry to bump in here....I would really appreciate your feedback since it is the same topic. I have the following, would that be enough as proof of Common Law existence? 1) Flat Lease agreement from October 2016 to Current (Dec 2017) - Signed by Owner, partner and I. Since it is backdated...
  13. seemefree

    History address

    Sorry to bump in here...Its the same topic though. I have a query regarding the continuity and more so the "reliability" of this continuity when filling in the address history. I moved to Europe in Aug 2013 and started studying here. Aug 2013 to June 2014 - I lived in a hostel (Europe) -...
  14. seemefree

    Address History

    Sorry to bump in here...its the same topic though. I have a query regarding the continuity and more so the "reliability" of this continuity when filling in the address history. I moved to Europe in Aug 2013 and started studying here. Aug 2013 to June 2014 - I lived in a hostel (Europe) -...
  15. seemefree

    Address History

    Sorry to bump in here...it is regarding the same topic though. I have a query regarding the continuity and more so the "reliability" of this continuity when filling in the address history. I moved to Europe in Aug 2013 and started studying here. Aug 2013 to June 2014 - I lived in a hostel...
  16. seemefree

    Address History Continuity

    I have a query regarding the continuity and more so the "reliability" of this continuity when filling in the address history. I moved to Europe in Aug 2013 and started studying here. Aug 2013 to June 2014 - I lived in a hostel (Europe) - Hostel contract ended in June 2014 June 2014 - Aug 2014...
  17. seemefree

    India PCC Wording

    I hear you! Actually, that is what I will end up doing.... Thanks for the feedback so far.
  18. seemefree

    Funds Source Query

    Thanks for that! Cleared it out for me!
  19. seemefree

    India PCC Wording

    Thanks guys for the responses! Unfortunately, the PSK doesnt accept somebody collecting the PCC from them on my behalf (with a power of attorney). Pretty senseless in my opinion since the commissioners office accepts collection of the PCC with a power of attorney. Do you know of the...
  20. seemefree

    Travel History - Post ITA

    Perfect! Thanks for the quick response! Based on the above I think I am clear of the UAE PCC. Relief!