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  1. Samantha F

    American Husband, Inland Application, May 2019

    I showed up before my wedding and I was just honest. I came with 3 suitcases and a one-way ticket. I explained that I was here for my wedding, and that afterwards, I intended to live with my husband while applying inland. I asked them for a stamp on my passport, they explained that I didn't...
  2. Samantha F

    Can someone plzz guide me for spousal sponser

    Guide on sponsoring a spouse: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/spouse.asp You cannot apply online, and you (the one sponsoring) will need to be in Canada to start the process. From there, you would choose Inland (if your spouse will stay in Canada) or outland (if they will...
  3. Samantha F

    Should I cancel sponsorship?

    Don't think about what will happen to her. Divorce her, cancel the sponsorship, and throw her to the curb. She'll need to find her own way.
  4. Samantha F

    Wording of relationship interview {Inland}

    It is? RPRF proof doesn't denote a landing interview vs a non-landing interview. I had my RPRF proof before I even put in the application itself, and that was months after moving to Canada. Is there a reason why only landing interviews require RPRF proof?
  5. Samantha F

    Wording of relationship interview {Inland}

    https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/interview-letter-november-2017-inland-common-law.592764/ Third time's the charm? :) (Maybe?)
  6. Samantha F

    Wording of relationship interview {Inland}

    Oh! I'm sorry! I miss-read a lot of stuff. Are you looking for something like this? https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/time-line-for-permanent-residence-application-for-refugees.17484/page-305 (Post #4571 by Lasso) Edit: I know that one specifically isn't...
  7. Samantha F

    Wording of relationship interview {Inland}

    I've found some links for you that have a lot of interview questions for you to look at. Hope this helps! https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/spousal-sponsorship-interview-questionaires-experience-preparations.220698/...
  8. Samantha F


    Yes, two PR applications are fine so long as they are in a different "stream" or class. So your CEC application wouldn't interfere with your spousal one, just remember to withdraw the remaining one when one of them is processed. Also you would need to pay the fee for both. Link...
  9. Samantha F


    Well, it would still depend. What country are you going to be visiting? If you're visiting the U.S, you would (in theory) be able to request to return to Canada on your original single-entry visa. You can postpone the application, but the application itself wouldn't be what would cause an issue...
  10. Samantha F


    Was she herself sponsored to come to Canada? Did she sponsor her previous husband? Not to freak you out, but what is considered a "red flag" sort of depends on the officer you get. If she was sponsored by her previous husband and just five years ago divorced him and tried to sponsor you, that...
  11. Samantha F


    It depends on your specific situation. I've dug up a link for you. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/questions-answers-by-topic.asp?top=22 I hope this helps.
  12. Samantha F


    Every time I've called CIC they have always advised against leaving Canada during the application process. Simply because there is no guarantee you will be allowed back in. Sure it may be unlikely that they will stop you at the border, but it's just safer to not take that risk in the first...
  13. Samantha F


    45-48 days is pretty quick! Thanks so much for letting us know!
  14. Samantha F


    Ours was just received this morning! We followed the instructions by the book. No folders, binders, elastics, envelopes or anything like that. At most we used 3 clips, one for the 20 photos, one for the two headshots, and one for our rental agreement (which was huge!!) The only "extra" things we...
  15. Samantha F

    I wonder if I need to print IMM5553

    Yes, it states that you need to print it and send it as a cover letter under Part A section 1. "1. Document Checklist - Spouse (Including Dependent Children) (IMM 5533) You must attach this checklist (both Pat A and Part B, all pages) as the covering page for your application package."
  16. Samantha F

    Visitors Visa Extensions, and how they affect OWP/SS

    Hey there! I'm here with two questions. I landed just shortly before my wedding day, and due to unforeseen delays, it took us much longer than we would have liked to get our marriage certificate. Which of course, pushed back our application for spousal sponsorship along with the OWP. Because of...
  17. Samantha F

    Inland Spousal Sponsorship - Proof of Relationship

    That's good to hear! I probably won't send texts, skype, or discord logs as well.. there's tooooo many! But I'll definitely send them the plane tickets at the very least in that case and add a note like you said, thanks! I was worried they wouldn't like it if I sent something more than what they...
  18. Samantha F

    Inland Spousal Sponsorship - Proof of Relationship

    Hello everyone! I'm a little new here. Long time lurker first time poster. We are almost done with our document checklist. I'm referring to "Supporting Documents" (Or Part C, as it's after Part B). We are currently living together, and as such we do have multiple documents that support it...