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Search results

  1. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    User ID |Application Received |Payment Taken |AOR Received |Medicals Requested |Passport Request |Comments Shah 20-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 11-Sep-12 - - - home3d2001 27-Aug-12 14-Sep-12 19-Sep-12 17-May-13 16-Aug-13 NOC-2174 HKT 27-Aug-12 06-Sep-12 14-Sep-12 02-May-13 16-May-13...
  2. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    User ID|Rc'd at CIC|Tracker Activated |Total Days|Activation Time destinychild 16-May-13 24-Jun-13 39 6:04pm Yosemite 18-May-13 13-Jun-13 27 5:50pm calgaryboy24 22-May-13 4-Jul 43 6:59pm xzjh1985 22-May-13 24-Jun-13 33 6:00pm wwwboy151 22-May-13 20-Jun-13 29 6:30pm milindpr 24-May-13...
  3. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    Have u landed @yahoo7 ?
  4. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    User ID|Rc'd at CIC|Tracker Activated |Total Days|Activation Time destinychild 16-May-13 24-Jun-13 39 6:04pm Yosemite 18-May-13 13-Jun-13 27 5:50pm calgaryboy24 22-May-13 4-Jul 43 6:59pm xzjh1985 22-May-13 24-Jun-13 33 6:00pm wwwboy151 22-May-13 20-Jun-13 29 6:30pm milindpr 24-May-13...
  5. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    vow! have a blast man :)
  6. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    thanks for the update
  7. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    I know how eagerly u r waiting. You will get it in a day or two.
  8. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    ujbaby - Any tracker activated today? r u checking trackitt website as well ?
  9. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    great! So when CIC received ur passport? can u post the date
  10. braveman

    Birth certificate - Spouse

    Nowadays CIC is neither accepting 10th/12th certificate nor Certificate of date of birth from Indian consulate. So these options are of no use. In the recent months lot of rejections happened due to birth certificate issue, NOC mismatch and roles and responsibilities (reference letter). So try...
  11. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    congrats :)
  12. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    Can you please more info on border closure?
  13. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    Tracker not activated for anyone today....?
  14. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    There is no movement at all today. Wish to see some progress atleast tomorrow.
  15. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    Thank you so much @infoSeeker, @iam_toby :)
  16. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    Hi Infoseeker Can you please reply to the foll queries reg landing 1. Apart from Passport, CoPR what other documents do we need? 2. How much time it took for the process of landing? 3. What questions did the immigration officer asked u? 4. Do we need to submit any photos?
  17. braveman

    Waiting for Passport - Please add your case here

    Hi Friends My passport reached CIC just now. User ID|Rc'd at CIC|Tracker Activated |Total Days|Activation Time destinychild 16-May-13 24-Jun-13 39 6:04pm Yosemite 18-May-13 13-Jun-13 27 5:50pm calgaryboy24 22-May-13 4-Jul 43 6:59pm xzjh1985 22-May-13 24-Jun-13 33 6:00pm wwwboy151...
  18. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    Congrats man :)
  19. braveman

    September 2012 Applications

    I follow Infoseeker. Thanks. Sent you a PM just now.