Mine was like:
Created Date: 2018/06/26
Update Date: 2018/07/17
Type : Security
Status: In Progress
Status Update Date: 2018/07/17
Due Date: 2019/06/26
Create Date: 2018/07/17
Update Date: 2018/08/28
Type: Security Screening
Status: In Progress by CBSA...
Lol thanks, at this point I am open to trying anything!:rolleyes:
Let me know if you see anything interesting in your notes, or what your security sections looks like.
I see. Well, if the price for having SS passed as wicked fast as yours is the notes being very slow, I wish my notes never had come!
Which part of the BOWP fees are you eligible to refund btw, is it the whole $255?
@Mr_nobody So when filling up the form for bridging work permit, for item "what type of work permit are you applying for", select "open work permit' instead of "Post Graduate Work Permit" correct? just double checking.
For those of you still waiting to come here, don’t worry, look like everything are still normal and well in Canada: