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  1. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I agree. +1 for a good advice. :)
  2. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    This is what I used alongwith my Matriculation certificate which also contains my DOB and Parents names: July 23, 2014 AFFIDAVIT I, <Your Mother/Father Name>, wife of <Your Father/Mother name>, aged <Age...
  3. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    That FSW 2013 Mauritius case was for the applicant himself so it was rejected. Here, the question is about the birth certificate of child, not the applicant himself so, I think the information provided in the previous post is correct. There should be no issue with the birth certificate issued by...
  4. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi Experts, I got a reference letter(on bank letterhead) from bank showing average balance of last 6 months. Its just a black n white print out from their system showing these details including my name and date my account was opened. There is no signature of any bank official and no stamp on...
  5. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Hi Experts, Updated evidence of settlement funds (showing 6 months deposits/ withdrawals history) for yourself. Please provide us with documents which show source of large deposits. If the funds come from another account, you must provide copies of account statement showing movements of funds...
  6. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Thank you all. Closer to Kingfisher Strong party!!
  7. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    This is what they mentioned in MR email about POF: Updated evidence of settlement funds (showing 6 months deposits/ withdrawals history) for yourself. Please provide us with documents which show source of large deposits. If the funds come from another account, you must provide copies of account...
  8. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I agree. One of the CPC-O applicant who received MR was not asked any updated POF because he already sent 6 months statement with the initial application. 3 month may also suffice as Ashif mentioned.
  9. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I had sent only 1 month statement with my application as the checklist does not specify how many months of statement required. With MR email, visa office has requested 6 months of POF. So, I think 6 months is what they look for, but 1 month statement with initial application would not cause any...
  10. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I just received MR (6 months funds statement + PCC + Medical + RPRF) email from CPC-O.. :) Good luck to All!
  11. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I dont think this is a game changer. you should be safe. Good luck!
  12. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Here, 88710322 is UCI https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/p526x296/543072_458147747530442_2115920212_n.jpg
  13. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Re: CGI Houston asking for Original Passport CGI will stamp one of the pages on the passport which indicates the date of PCC issued, applicant's name and immigration country name. They will also issue PCC on consulate letterhead with consulate's signature and stamp.
  14. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    No Medical requests from CPC-O lately. Hoping some movement next week. You may want to add your details in the spreadsheet. Good luck!!
  15. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Mention these details on a plain paper and attach it with this form in same format with the question number. On top of this paper, write the form title and your name. This is also already mentioned at the top of the form. check it out. On the form, leave this section blank and write "See attachment"
  16. G

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    I had a gap of 3 months after my graduation and first job. I wrote "Job search and Preparation for job interviews". Idea is to write something and not leave any gap. You may write At home, Vacation, Preparation for travel to Canada etc. Good luck!