On this link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=1009&t=29&wbdisable=true
It clearly says: You should only answer “Yes” to the question “Does [your name] have a job offer in Canada?” if a Canadian employer has offered you a full-time, non-seasonal job for at least one year...
Do you mean salary/year? CEC candidates can just put in the amount they have in their bank account, which means the amount that you can prove.
For job offer questions, I thought the same way as you and the way CIC designed the questions is very confusing and misleading. but now it clearly...
Wow the system is very confusing.. Why do they invite under FSW when the profile is not even qualifying the requirements. Hope you get clarification soon, and please update us!
Im not too sure, but I read somewhere we need to submit credit card balance if any debt.
I went to the bank to get the bank statements for PR purpose just to see how it looks like, and they stated the balance in my credit card and if it was in a good standing.
One immigration consultant said I...
Lol I don't understand how what he said was interpreted in a way you said, but when I said 12K minimum in my initial post, of course it means single, because that's the minimum requirement for 1 member under FSW for sure. I am talking about if a single PGWP holder preparing for CEC will have to...
I guess I will try with whatever amount I have in my account first, and see if I am eligible under CEC. If I am eligible and accepted to the pool, it means it's fine and have to only prove what I have.
Fingers crossed...!
Hi all,
I am currently working in Canada under PGWP, and planning to apply EE- CEC.
I have read most of the threads about proof of fund for CEC and asked many people but am getting different answers, so want to clarify with experts.
When I create EE profile, I am asked to put in numbers for the...
I am working on PGWP, and I saw on CIC website that about $12,000 is required to support myself(1 member). but since I am on PGWP, I can just put in whatever amount in my bank account? Like even less than $6000 will be fine?
Thank you!!!
You can apply for PNP Ontario through regular process as it was before. (Once you are a nominee, you apply for a PR directly to CIC) ON PNP will participate in EE, but did not announce the details how. they only announced how many they will select nominees from EE, which will grant you 600...
I heard that it is $150 to request for remarking and takes 6-8 weeks. If your mark changes you get the refund...
I am also disappointed with my writing score..... but I am thinking just retaking exams... :(