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  1. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    he was already on a PR .. only his dependent as he did sponsor for dependent where they already had the visitor permit with them ..
  2. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    The best thing is better to travel to Canada after PPR and PR. I believe your current VO office is your home country. You can change the VO office to Canada and send the passports of you and your dependents to Canada office after PPR. You have 30 days time to submit the passport and hope by the...
  3. mssm

    ECAS not working ?

    no need to panic .. there is separate thread for this .. please check http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/status-removed-from-ecas-t381690.0.html
  4. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    there is another thread for problem with ECAS access .. http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/status-removed-from-ecas-t381690.0.html Are they on your PR application ? If they are in your PR application once you get PR they can do the landing .. If they have a visitor...
  5. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    I got my AOR on 19th Oct under FSW inland .. still no updates but all in progress (medical, eligibility, BG) .. which category u applied under ... FSW inland is slowest and takes 4 to 5 months .. lets hope some updates by end of this month ..
  6. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    you can carry in travellers check .. contact thomas cook or some FOREX who give travellers check .. carrying cash for huge amt is not advisable ..
  7. mssm

    Got an ITA for FSW instead of CEC... too many problems now!!!

    It should ask reference letters based on the number of rows in work history .. to get work permit in Canada did you show your previous non-canadian experience ? if so you should show the work experience as well during your PR application as CIC will have the details during your WP application
  8. mssm

    Will this cause rejection? Please help

    I believe you should be ok as no points are claimed for it and your FBI clearance is good. I assume that you didnt claim for your study in US ..
  9. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    Congratulations DAC_YYZ
  10. mssm

    Got an ITA for FSW instead of CEC... too many problems now!!!

    Hi .. if your Canadian experience is good enough to earn you points for next ITA should be good enough to mention only canadian experience. But make sure that your work history is in sync with your activity history since you crossed 18 years of age. PCC is mandatory for both you and dependents...
  11. mssm

    CIC asking for wife's self-employed reference letter in checklist post ITA

    I would suggest you to write a self-explanation letter with job duties and role. removing the details from work history and adding only in activity history may be contradicting .. since you have not claimed additional points it shouldn't be a problem .. if needed you can have a LOE in additional...
  12. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    dont worry .. there are few folks without medicals passed like me . AOR on 19th Oct.
  13. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    my timeline is same as yours .. med and BG in progress since Oct 27 .. when did u complete the medicals ?
  14. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    @sukhjinder27 .. our timeline matches ..pls see signature .. are you FSW inland or CEC ? am FSW inland
  15. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    hello AAA2133 .. my details added in spreadsheet ? please see my timelines in signature ..
  16. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    thanks Ashutosh .. ECAS shows 3 lines with started processing as of Oct 27 .. MYCIS shows 'Medical review in progress' since Oct 27 ..
  17. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    friends .. My situation is doctor has selected Non-EDE worker for me and Non-EDE visitor for wife and child .. did my medicals on 15th Oct ad AOR on 19th october .. yet to pass medicals .. do i need to be concerned ?
  18. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    I am under Inland FSW and did my medicals on 15th Oct ..
  19. mssm

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    My medical is still 'review in progress' since my AOR on 27 Oct. anyone in this situation now ? :(