I have submitted Indian PCC but didn't submit U.K. PCC..
I don't think I will get Medical request until I submit U.K PCC..
Something wrong with my case..
Guys got an email from NDVO yesterday..
They have asked me to submit UK's PCC..
No Medical Request yet..
This is the second time they have asked for document..
It is very strange I believe..
Processing started on 7th Feb.
They asked me to submit marriage pix and outings pix.
They didn't mention nmbr of pix. I sent 35 pix in total.
Indian PCC was sent with application.
UK's PCC yet tobe sent.
No change in ECAS..
Guys I have something new to share...
Today I received an email from DELHIIMMIGRATION @ international.gc.ca
I have been ask to submit my MARRIAGE PHOTOS within 45 days..
No Change in ECAS..
My timeline is given on left side..
Dear NDVO applicants,
Please join NDVO League..
The league is very useful to track AOR, MR, PPR and finally PR..
Simply mention @admin to put ur details into NDVO League..
All the best to all FSW 2013 applicants...
Those who have not joined NDVO League yet, Please ask admin to put your details in it..
It is very very useful to track AOR, MR and ultimately PR.
All the best to all FSW 2013 applicants.
Stay Blessed...