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  1. dannie88

    How to get PR in Canada after 1 year Graduate Certificate Course??

    General arts n science...GAS ;D :-[
  2. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    buddy i m not doing anything related to cooking its just management to get some idea bcoz what i have in ma mind is to open a restaurent in delhi or Gurgaon....open air restaurent
  3. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    i have to set up my restaurent in india I dont wanna work anymore for someone ....want to be an enterpenure...
  4. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    You are the first person who is telling me getting visa for hospitality is difficult how does it matter ,can u put some light on it
  5. dannie88

    Please Help me !

    which college you are applying for coz i m also applying for PG dip in hospitality..n have 2 years gap after my grad
  6. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    10th 2005 53% 12 2007 58% graduation BBA in hospitality mgmt (2009-2012) 78% Ielts 6.5(L:-7,R:-6.5,W:-5.5,S:-6.0) @ years work ex after grad in hotel industry NOw tell me BRo
  7. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    i have applied for centennial n George brown college n well i m saying good to go for visa processing n all
  8. dannie88

    People intrested in sep 2014 (George brown college n centennial college)

    can u plz whatsapp me @ 09811585124..plz do it if u can
  9. dannie88

    Ielts requirement Under spp category for post grad courses overall n individual

    even i got the same score in my first ielts exam but just because of this confusion i gave one more time but still 5.5 in one rest everything is fine
  10. dannie88

    Ielts requirement Under spp category for post grad courses overall n individual

    yes i m planning for the same ...buddy cnt concentrate on ma work too just because of this doubt, doing everything but still have negativity in my mind what to do what not to do.....my friend got visa for his post grad course his score was overall 6 n 5.5 in one rest all were 6
  11. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    BTW which college you are in ...suggest me buddy what should i do ...do u think i m good to go......
  12. dannie88

    People intrested in sep 2014 (George brown college n centennial college)

    i want to apply for sep 2014 intake n not willing to give ielts once again got 6 overall first time when i gave ielts in writing 5.5 n rest 6 n now second time scored good in other but still 5.5 in writing getting frustrated
  13. dannie88

    Ielts requirement Under spp category for post grad courses overall n individual

    nothing is mention is it for post grad or undergrad........thats the other story should i call CHC delhi ...suggest me
  14. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    i have read the link already n chc has rejected the file just because of language abililties.....for some people who have the same score as mentioned in the checklist..thats wat i dont understand
  15. dannie88

    can any one tell me the comlete procedure to apply under spp

    the only confusion is ielts score thats it bro...someone says its 6.5 not less thn 6 in any someone says its 6 overall n not less thn 5.5 in any
  16. dannie88

    IELTS for CIC

    but vfs website says 6 overall n no less thn 5.5 in any...how does it work?/ :-\
  17. dannie88

    anyone appliying for Hospitality course in george brown college sep 2014

    Anyone applying for Food n nutrition management course in sep 2014 intake from india. please reply i m doing the same n want to discuss the same with people who are trying for the same any help from anyone will be appriciated Thanks in advance
  18. dannie88

    Ielts requirement Under spp category for post grad courses overall n individual

    but vfs website says 6 overall n not less then 5.5
  19. dannie88

    People intrested in sep 2014 (George brown college n centennial college)

    because in recent past there was an update in ielts score n i m wondering that its not updated in VFS website thats the reason.