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  1. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Hey.. What does RPRF stand for? It's one of those things on the GCMS list...
  2. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Oh that's good to know... :)
  3. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Hey! I was outside India when I got my PPR... My lawyer told me to either go back and submit it within a month or mail them with the rest of the documents explaining that I was currently over seas and to ask for another PPR when they actually needed the passport.. This would delay the process...
  4. zenn

    Pregnancy, Medicals Expiration, and PR

    They can request it any time until they give you your PR
  5. zenn

    Pregnancy, Medicals Expiration, and PR

    Oh you must ASAP! You could start with a case specific enquiry... If it were me I would also send them a mail with a cover letter stating the same along with some evidence of the pregnancy... That might be safer incase the enquiry is accidentally disregarded...
  6. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Congratulations!! Good luck :) :)
  7. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    It's good if you have only one PCC to worry about... Having said that it will still take a few days for their agency to verify your PCC right... Don't worry addicted.. You're almost there! and the best part is that you're getting in there just as the winter is ending :) In time for some sun :)
  8. zenn

    August 2012 Applicants Thread =)

    Click on "quote".. a new page will open.. you can type in your msg there and click "post"
  9. zenn

    Birth abroad

    OMG!! That is crazyyy!!! Yup, I grant that... some how manners go out of the window when there are too many people spoiling the kid- which is what often happens in such places....!!
  10. zenn

    Pregnancy, Medicals Expiration, and PR

    Having a child with your partner usually proves that your relationship is valid.. So (hopefully) they should not need an interview..
  11. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    The day we get that "DM"/passport back we will think they are the best things ever!
  12. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    That's the worst part of moving countries.. the wait :( The most exciting part gets washed away waitinggggg :( They might be doing the security checks.. give it a couple of days... They also have a lot of back log.. so things take time... Stay positive... You are almost at the end of the road :)
  13. zenn

    Birth abroad

    That's great then! :)
  14. zenn

    Birth abroad

    ROFL!! To me though 5 months is a hell of a long time for a kid to stay away from their dad... Of course I am assuming that the other parent was still in Canada working... If both get the opportunity to come down to their country of origin then that's awesome :)
  15. zenn

    Birth abroad

    OMG that's terrible! The problem also arises from the fact that the older generations think that their way of raising a child is the best and abhor western culture! Good luck!
  16. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    That's comforting :) Thanks :)
  17. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Hey... I was just wondering... If I send NDVO a document when they are not expecting one from me would it actually reach the VO or would it get lost in transit? Thanks
  18. zenn

    Birth abroad

    A lot depends on the country in question... For countries like Thailand, Singapore, India etc it is MUCH harder to get paper work processed!
  19. zenn

    New Delhi - 2012 applicants

    Hey! When did you apply for PR? My wedding anniversary is on 12th May.. Desperately want to be wiz my hubby by then too :(