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Search results

  1. Lyssiej

    If you had 411 points, would you go ahead and get your FBI clearance in the US?

    Thank you! That's really encouraging. I'm on pins and needles....
  2. Lyssiej

    If you had 411 points, would you go ahead and get your FBI clearance in the US?

    We think we may be in the next draw and we want to get all of our stuff in ASAP when we do. Our son is Autistic, so we will have to overcome that. The sooner we get all our documentation in, the sooner we'll be able to work on the medical thing.
  3. Lyssiej

    If you had 411 points, would you go ahead and get your FBI clearance in the US?

    We decided to do ours this week as we hope we'll be in the next draw now. Are these PDF results from channelers okay? We are looking at doing ours at Fieldprint, so there's no hard copy -- just the PDF. Is that what you did? Did it work?
  4. Lyssiej

    Can we get photos at Costco?

    Oh wow, maybe I'm getting these mixed up! I thought these were what we needed to submit with everything else like education and proof of funds and stuff! I'll go back and look again. Thanks!
  5. Lyssiej

    Can we get photos at Costco?

    FYI, in case anybody needs this later, Costco doesn't do these and neither does Walgreeens. Gotta Yelp somebody. :)
  6. Lyssiej

    Can we get photos at Costco?

    We're in the US and got our passport photos at Costco. We're trying to get everything ready as we hope for ITA. Can we get the pics at Costco? Where did you have yours done?
  7. Lyssiej

    Proof of Funds (Express Entry)

    We are sitting in the pool at 411 and figuring out pof. My husband just sold stock options he has in his company to cover the cost. The money will be deposited in a bank account. Is it enough to get a letter from the bank or should we provide some kind of evidence of the options sale to show as...
  8. Lyssiej

    When to Hire Lawyer for Medical Inadmissibility?

    Thanks for the response! Is this because it may not come? Because there's nothing to be done before that anyway?
  9. Lyssiej

    When to Hire Lawyer for Medical Inadmissibility?

    We are in the pool at 411 and my 6yo son is Autistic. He needs very little support, but we spoke with a lawyer about helping us make a case for him. But then I spoke with the doctor this morning about upfront medicals, and he said, "If it's like Asbergers, I don't really see a problem." The...
  10. Lyssiej

    Delete Spouse Work Experience?

    Thank you so much! We can delete the whole thing without penalty? That's great news!
  11. Lyssiej

    Upfront medical

    Do you need to carry all of your medical records with you to the upfront medical exam?
  12. Lyssiej

    Delete Spouse Work Experience?

    We are sitting in the pool at 411, and I am the primary applicant. Do we get points for my husband's work experience outside of Canada or no? Should I delete it so we don't have to get an employer letter for it if we get ITA next draw? Thanks in advance!
  13. Lyssiej

    CRS 411 -- Should I delete work experience over 10 years old?

    So should I actually delete it from my profile right now? And then put it in personal history post-ITA?
  14. Lyssiej

    CRS 411 -- Should I delete work experience over 10 years old?

    Awesome. So for now we can leave it in there, and just change it after the ITA.
  15. Lyssiej

    CRS 411 -- Should I delete work experience over 10 years old?

    We are sitting in the pool at 411 CRS hoping for ITA in the next draw. I have more than 10 years of work experience in my profile. Should I go get a letter for that and prove it? Should I delete it from my profile? Would love advice!
  16. Lyssiej

    If you had 411 points, would you go ahead and get your FBI clearance in the US?

    We are US citizens and we're thinking of using a channeler. Would that be worth it?
  17. Lyssiej

    If you had 411 points, would you go ahead and get your FBI clearance in the US?

    We are sitting in the pool with 411 points. I'm thinking about going ahead and ordering the background check from the FBI. Is that foolish, or a good idea? Also, should we do the expedited version? Does anyone have experience with how fast this works?
  18. Lyssiej

    Employment history > 10 years

    I'm bumping this because I have the same question! I am in the pool at 411, worried about proving that older history if I get picked. Also, I'm the primary applicant -- does my husband need to put in his work history? It's outside Canada.
  19. Lyssiej

    Claiming experience as a teacher

    Thank you so much! I am working on the letter request from my employer. I don't know the exact dates of my summer vacation. But school years in the US are 180 days. Should I ask him to write that or just say, "From this date to this date, less standard summer vacations"?
  20. Lyssiej

    Employer Reference Letter -- Exact Dates or month and year okay?

    I also have my contracts from two school years but they don't have exact dates -- just the school year like 2007/2008.