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  1. B

    Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category STARTED

    Re: POF Hi.. I have submitted ePF's, PPF, FD's and bank balance 6 months old.. It should work as CIC do consider it.
  2. B

    Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category STARTED

    Hi All.. Can you plzz let me know whether we need to attach these forms: 1. Schedule 4 - Economic Classes - I havent got anything from province 2. Use of a Representative - I havent used any representative 3. Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union 4. Additional Dependants/Declaration - we...
  3. B

    Any Question on Express Entry---i will try to answer

    Hi evry1.. Need to know like my wrking experience is 5+ years but less than 6 years but in options we donot have anything for 5+ and less than 6 years.. options avaible are 4-5 years and 6 or more years.. what should i go with??
  4. B


    Hi evry1.. Need to know like my wrking experience is 5+ years but less than 6 years but in options we donot have anything for 5+ and less than 6 years.. options avaible are 4-5 years and 6 or more years.. what should i go with??
  5. B


    The reason for your file returned is Cap Full?? Did you receive your file? From wic place have u sent it? Is the reason mentioned in your file or your confimred over the phone thru CIC??
  6. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    Congrats dude.. Keep me in your prayers.. I am dec 15 2172 NOC...
  7. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    Aww.. Thats a good sign.. may be CIC has resumed charging applicants with 2172 NOC.. Hope for the best.. and keep waiting for your turn.. God bles each one of us!! ;D ;D
  8. B

    FSW 2014 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    Congrats.. Our wait is still on.. Dec 15.. 2172.. wat u say abt it?? whethr we wil b in or whats hapening with this NOC??
  9. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    Can you plzz let us know the reason for return of the file??
  10. B


    For which NOC you were charged on Dec 12?? Whether it was CC or DD??
  11. B


    That was me who reported earlier for File being return... But in call 2 and call 3 with CIC.. they told they donot have status of my application.. it might not be opened as of now.. need to wait for months time... So.. not sure abt the CAP.. :( :(
  12. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    No idea for 2172.. this reply is for 2171 application.. Dont confuse it with 2172..
  13. B


    I am also 15 dec 2172 applicant... with no updates.. :( :( Still waiting for something positive to happen!!
  14. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    You are absolutely right bro.. I have filed two applications.. 1. Oct 16 - 2171 - which is dispatched from CIC on Feb 11 with reason that the Cap has been reached for the NOC.. 2. Dec 15 - 2172 - for which have been calling them again and again to know the status In call 1: the guy told me that...
  15. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    I have filed two applications.. 1. Oct 16 - 2171 - which is dispatched from CIC on Feb 11 with reason that the Cap has been reached for the NOC.. 2. Dec 15 - 2172 - for which have been calling them again and again to know the status In call 1: the guy told me that it has been returned bck with...
  16. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    PER is issued based on how ealry your Job background verification is done.. It doesnot depends on your Application received Date.. So stay clam.. and hopefully its your turn next!! :) :)
  17. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    No idea abt my 2172 Dec 15 application.. I am almost calling them every India evening.. but they dont have track for that application. They say may be its not opened and its too early to contact us.. May be wait for like a months time.. you may get some update.. Side by side, I have emailed CIC...
  18. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    The reason was that Cap for 1000 for this NOC has been reached...
  19. B

    FSW 2014 - MASTER THREAD - 2171/ 2172/ 2173/ 2174 SERIES

    Hi.. dont worry about your file.. I had filed and application for 2171 NOC appl received date was Oct 16th.. My file has been dispatched from CIC on Feb 11, 2015.. So may be you will have to wait for another 1 month till november files are being returned..