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Search results

  1. DouglasDylane

    Background check started with no SA - MR

    I am Outland, I looked into the tracker but can’t really find anything. I hope I have news next week. Thanks for your answers
  2. DouglasDylane

    Background check started with no SA - MR

    Hi! Sorry guys I didn’t get emails for your responses, Thanks a lot for taking time to answer me. I don’t call because I am outside Canada and I also think I overthink everything, but from what I read I don’t see a lot of cases like mine. I will call in a month if nothing change, after all I...
  3. DouglasDylane

    Background check started with no SA - MR

    Hi everybody. As the title says, my gckey says « we are processing ... » for my background check, since I was able to link my account on Jan 16th. We applied in nov 13th Aor Jan 22nd No SA, no médical request, nothing. Is that normal? Anybody got that? Thanks a lot :)
  4. DouglasDylane

    Medical exam and alcool

    Good to know! Great, thanks. If you have done it, do you have to do X-ray too or it s just for some people?
  5. DouglasDylane

    Medical exam and alcool

    hi everybody! First of all, don’t judge me ;) I am waiting for my medical request soon and I read somewhere that I should not drink days before. Is that true? Have you done anything special for your test? I am really healthy so I am not worried for anything else. I drink maybe 4-5 glasses...
  6. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Application received on Nov13th, I was able to link the application today on Gkey and ecas. We didn't get the Aor but I guess that will come.
  7. DouglasDylane

    *****November 2018 ***** Outland Applicants

    A nov 1st got his AOR and another was able to link it online, means he/she is gonna have the aor within a day or 2 So 2 of the November for now
  8. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    An oct 25th just got his AOR. So maybe you are next :)
  9. DouglasDylane

    *****November 2018 ***** Outland Applicants

    Perfectly normal. It s more around 3 months now. But it will come. I am nov 13th and I Will start worrying beginning of February if I don’t get it
  10. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Hoping the same here but do you think they close during the holidays?
  11. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    It says Lagos https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/offices/international-visa-offices.html
  12. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Where is the principal applicant from? And both applications are valid. One was requested an interview the other not. You can't know at this stage.
  13. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    It is true yes, but some people don’t even get it. There is a timeline you can follow as example, I think on the first page, but they say up to 80% of applications are done in 12 months. I read some done in 5 months, some longer. What is your visa office?
  14. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Our package was finally delivered on the 13th! Good luck to everyone who is still updating the tracking page :)
  15. DouglasDylane

    rejected application package at the border from Europe

    no no passeport. Just few originals letter from family friends and things like that. First I thought it was late because of the strike but now we lost 2 weeks, plus a month to get it back, plus send it again, we won't be in before 2019
  16. DouglasDylane

    rejected application package at the border from Europe

    We also sent few originals documents so we can't send a new one before getting this one :(
  17. DouglasDylane

    rejected application package at the border from Europe

    That s what I thought too, this is also why I kept calling because papers don't need customes clearances for 7 days. we called General inquiries for CBSA
  18. DouglasDylane

    rejected application package at the border from Europe

    Hi everybody! As the title says, our package has apparently been rejected at the border. I said apparently because we are not even sure, nobody can give us information. We sent it on the 2nd of November, since the 6th it is at Canada border for "customes clearances", we called our carrier and...
  19. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Still trying to figure it out why our package is stucked at the border since the 6th! It just says it needs custome clearance so same boat Anybody was able to get it there?
  20. DouglasDylane

    November 2018 Outland Applicants (Spousal Sponsorship)

    Not that I know? Would you like to create one?