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  1. C

    Post ita is there a final summary step

    Well I submitted my app so I have the answer now. There is no summary page whatsoever. You get a view application button after you submit it, however it only show you your document checklist and the names of files you have submitted. So remember to take a copy of your personal, address travel...
  2. C

    Confusion about NOC (NOC 2173 or 2174 or other) for Software Testing Engineer

    You should list out you duties and compare them against the NOC's duties. Title does not matter duties does. I don't recall if you can enter duties in the search box, if they do give that a try.
  3. C

    Payment transcation declined..DECLINED - TRANSACTION NOT APPROVED..Plz Suggest

    Are you sure your bank/credit card company did not flag it for fraud? I just had mine declined but my cc company called me within a second of it being declined and I was able to clear it out. Once I cleared it, I resubmitted and it went through.
  4. C

    e-APR AOR March 2017 pool - join here

    AOR: 29 March PNP-Outland (FSW)
  5. C

    CIC down?

    :) Yeah. I replied too early it works. Saw the same signout button when I logged in.
  6. C

    CIC down?

    Thanks, this works.
  7. C

    CIC down?

    :) Yeah I should. Ready to upload doc and submit documents so kind of antsy.
  8. C

    CIC down?

    I cannot login into my CIC account from the US? Anyone else have the same problem?
  9. C

    PCC Question

    Yes if your e-APR date is after your latest India trip.
  10. C

    personal history

    Don't think it matters. You can put in Not applicable or a little note like taking care of kid or so. I believe if you change to Unemployed it will still ask you for job title or activity.
  11. C

    Post ita is there a final summary step

    Was wondering if before submission a summary will be shown. Basically a flat html page that shows all data entered for personal, travel, address etc.
  12. C

    Has anyone from the last round (March 24th) submitted their PR application yet?

    Am at document upload stage, so currently combining documents, writing LOE as needed and so on. It is shocking just how cumbersome and slow the system is. It feels like this they somehow managed to get the most amateur software folks to write this system. Also there does not seem to be a way...
  13. C

    What are the limits on Optional Document section?

    Thanks. I guess it is the same for police certificates? Need to merge multiple police certificates?
  14. C

    What are the limits on Optional Document section?

    It looks like I can upload multiple documents in the Optional Documents section. Does this mean I can upload 2 or 3 documents, each being 4MB in size? Anyone have experience with this?
  15. C

    post-ita personal history with prefilled entries

    So my post ITA personal history form prefilled entries from the ITA form. One of this is the education I claimed points for. The thing is, the education that is prefilled is far past the 10 years period that they want me to fill for personal history. If I leave that in I would have to go back...
  16. C

    Singapore COC / PCC

    You can authorize a pickup by third party in Singpapore, do not know if you can ask them to ship it to them.
  17. C

    Singapore COC / PCC

    We dropped a email to Singapore police asking if we could use ITA to do the appeal. They replied No, need to get a letter from CIC. The letter from CIC happens post eAPR. If any of you have success with a ITA letter let us know so others can go the same route
  18. C

    Indian Consulate PCC for OCI holders

    Where did you get your PCC from ? I got my from Chicago and had to spend 2 hours arguing with them (pointing out that I am a ex-citizen) to get a PCC. The to and from period they have mentioned is my Indian passport validity which does not cover the period I was in India. They pointed me to...