Thanks for the information and pls update your timeline
I applied on 18th (India) SDS, biometric 23rd and not one damn shit has been updated till now. Perhaps I am the chosen one with whom they have to mess with.
applied online 18th july (General category from india )sds
biometrics 23rd july
medical 25th june
nothing has been updated till now...I am worried
Pls help
Hi, Any update for those who applied near 18th July
I applied online from India on 18th July
biometrics- 23rd July
login details are with my agent.
Any idea as to when I can receive my study permit?
Hi everyone,
I applied for canada study visa online as general category from india on 18th july and did my biometrics on 23rd july.
Any idea as to when I can recieve my study permit?
I applied for study visa online as a general category on 18th july but havn’ recieved it till now.
Any idea that when can i expect my study visa to come?