LoI is not mandatory to enter Canada. You can show your stamped PP to the officer at PoE and tell him that you did not receive any LoI along with the passport.
Thanks, I applied in early June and got the acceptance in 15-16 working days. I think you have a good chance of getting admission. Please go through their eligiblity criteria carefully before you apply. Do email their admissions department if you have any questions. Good luck!
Yes. The CIC expects student to have at least 1 year's tuition fee plus $10000 for living expenses. If you have more, you have a stronger case. This may help:
1- Not completing my masters degree when i was supposed to, would that be a problem in my Study Permit application?
I don't think so, if you properly explain in the SOP the circumstances that prevented you from completing your studies successfully.
2- What should i write in my SOP? That i dint...
Should I provide details of Financial Support for the total course duration.- Yes
And for the IMM1294E, should I also mention the details for 2 years or just one year is required. -
- 2 years
Can I submit details of Fixed Deposit under my parents name for Financial Support documentation.
I don't think so. But you may write to the universities you are interested in to find out if they accept or not. You'll get a response within 2-3 working days typically.
Red River has two programs related to Computers that I know of: Business Information Technology (BIT) and Technology Management. Visit their webiste to check if you'd be interested.
BTW, I'm accepted into their BIT program.
You may be contacted to submit your transcripts. Alternatively, you may want to drop an email to the visa processing office requesting a status update.
If your course matches your previous studies/work ex, you have funds to pay for your studies there, and have fairly good English language skills, you should not worry about being rejected. Just go ahead and apply, mate.
I read somewhere on this forum that the TRV stamped on the passport is valid for only 3 months. Is this correct? The date of expiration on my TRV is March 2016, and the same date is on the Letter of Introduction.
Can any of the senior members advise which is correct? I'm planning to reach...