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  1. Avana

    June 2012 Applicants - Join Here

    THANKS smvi!! :D Started getting depressed about this whole thing last night. I was looking back to February spreadsheets and realizing that so many seem to not be done with the whole process yet, and that makes me a sad girl. Trying to make a prediction to the big WHEN? question we're all...
  2. Avana

    How to prepare Cuban marriage licence for CIC?

    Hi Ellycat, It has been a while for me for this step but here's what i can remembler: You need your long form birth certificate (some people say short is fine, but I've heard some people have gotten refused with this, I personally got both when I went back and requested it) Have you been...
  3. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Haha, that one im not worried about... Ive heard they can be pretty accusatory, and rude at times, but my husband's attitude about it is: that's fine let them accuse me of anything because theres nothing to be accused of, so i wont even flinch. Weve known each other for 4 years now so Im not...
  4. Avana

    June 2012 Applicants - Join Here

    Yay! Thanks :)
  5. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Wow, if its a single visa entry everytime and you have to pay, then that would be really inconvenient. I definitely read somewhere that cubans residing in canada can get a temporary visa for the states for a certain allotted time frame. But maybe it was someone who was mistaken, or maybe it was...
  6. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Disney is like my favorite place ever!!! (apart for cuba of course, but that opinion is a little biased... lol) I heard to go to the states you have to apply for a visa to the US, is that relatively easy to get? Then I heard once you get it you usually have a year to go in and out to the states...
  7. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    OHH its true!! You will be there to go for the interview on October 4th, right?? Maybe we'll cross paths! :) Is the interview at the Embassy as well?
  8. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    OK great advice KJG!!! I will most likely be going back from October 5th to the 8th (Friday to Monday). Obviously they are closed over the weekend, but depending on my landing time or departure time We may have time on Friday or Monday, and if not my husband can go on his own on one of those...
  9. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Thanks KJG!! so just to confirm, to do this, We just go to the embassy in Havana and give them an envelope with this proof, and they will put it together with the rest of our information? What if by chance they have not yet received our application from CIC (which would mean it took over a month...
  10. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Maybe someone can help me with this: My file has been transferred to Havana as of Aug 30. I will be returning to Cuba (most likely Havana) for a weekend in early October. I have more evidence of our relationship since I submitted my application to CIC on June 22. I went back for two weeks in...
  11. Avana

    June 2012 Applicants - Join Here

    Hi everyone, Is it too late to be added to the spreadsheet? I came across this forum a few days ago by accident, and I am also a June applicant. Here's the info: Application sent: June 20 Application Received: June 22 No AOR Approved for sponsorship: Aug 30 Sent to Havana: Aug 30 VO office...
  12. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Long days of checking Ecas and waiting for news, but i thought i would suggest a really good read for people in our specific situation! anyone ever read Es Cuba? Its an amazing based-on-a-true-story about a woman who fell in love in Havana Cuba... If you guys want to pass the time, pick it up, I...
  13. Avana

    June 2012 Applicants - Join Here

    Hi everyone, my husband and i were also June applicants. CIC received our application June 22, 2012. I received the approval for sponsorship on August 30th, but being from quebec this was also an invitation for me to continue the process with MICC, although it also stated in the letter for CIC...
  14. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    Haha... does sound like our files were similar! Probably send 2000 emails as well, but I left half of them home, because the pile was getting ridiculous! There were close to 5000 in total, so I spoke to some people who said that was a little excessive. I sent them of all time periods that weve...
  15. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    wow, KJG that's great that you're already at the interview in less than a month from now!!! :) you must be soo excited!! So going on that Im hoping to hear something in the month of November then! (keeping my fingers crossed!!) My first stage did go really fast and I sent a huge box with...
  16. Avana

    Havana, Cuba

    This terrible, terrible waiting game... but good to know people who understand!! Hi everyone, SO very glad to have found this discussion board, its so good to see other people going through the same excruciating process as you are!! I too married a Cuban and am in the process, I have received...