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  1. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    sonir, i observed that the ecas status changed to IN PROCESS for most of the application after 4.5 to 5.5 months from the date of application filed...so lets keep fingers crossed....
  2. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    may b no one....if u got PERi.e, CIO eligibility complete then i guess u wont b having problem...the VO may request for employment contracts at laterdate
  3. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    sonir , i feel tommorow ur ecas will change.. observed one thing in NDVO applicants....ppl who got med request ......most of them got in 4.5 to 5.5 months from the date of application filed
  4. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    u mea to say...ur ecas was never in RBVO status?
  5. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    k....but do u knw wen amanss ecas changed to IN PROCESS?
  6. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    congrats! your process started on March 16, but can u plz tel when ur ecas staus changed to IN PROCES?
  7. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    CONGRATS! can u plz tell whether ur ecas staus changed to IN PROCESS? if yes , date?
  8. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    yes inshallah...n also me...n will wish u too
  9. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    sonir, its not harjinath...its pharmacy1 who got med req
  10. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    no he recieved PER the date is xx march 2011 and then AOR on 28 april 2011...
  11. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    job duties shud match with NOC duties.... check ur job duties which u mentioned in ur exp letter as well application with NOC 0631 duities...here is the link to check job duties of 0631 Restaurant manager duties. http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/Welcome.aspx
  12. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    per means positive elgblty review..which u recvd on xx march 2011(it is sent thru email)...AOR means acknoldgment of re3ciept by VO which u got on 28 april 2011(which is sent by ordinary post)
  13. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    as far as i can understand ur applctn recievd by CIO on 1 dec 2010, PER on x marc 2011. , Aor from VO on 28 aprl 2011. i am afraid to say that a decision has been made...and before medical it will be negative. Reason can be 1. u dont have education/ qualification required for the NOC u...
  14. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    u applied in FSW2 category?...arranged employment//? can u provide ur details..like arrannged employment job title...ur number of work exp yrs...married/unmarried .....education..ielts score?
  15. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

  16. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    next stage is waiting!!!! yes waiting....wait for AOR from VO...then wait for status change to RBVO...then wait for IN PROCESS status...then wait for medical/PRRF...just wait wait wait
  17. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    congrats! ur process started on 1 june.....may i know the date when ur status changed to IN PROCESS
  18. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    come on!!! today i wanna hear some good news.
  19. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    every aPPLICATION IS UNDER PROCESS...BE HAPPYTHAT U DINT GET ANY QUERY.........me n mayankpandya recieved 2 aor on same date....but his tgstus changed to IN PROCESS...but he got query....so as i said in earlier comment...once ur status change intoo IN PROCESS....u will definetly get request for...
  20. canadestin

    Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS

    mr.frustrated anshuman, nothing to worry....the 2 AOR comes thru ordinary post.....ittakes time....anyway check with ur post office