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Search results

  1. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Check this website http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/EN/forms/search-category/forms-permanents-workers.html
  2. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    CC in which province you are living?
  3. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    based on Google search , there is no book for federal and book for Quebec , there is only one book for Citizenship in English or French for more info you can see the two links: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/laws-policy/agreements/quebec/can-que.asp...
  4. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    My friends who was QSW got his PR on 2010 and landed in Ottawa directly with no problems and they showed him that he is very welcome in Ottawa, now after four years he got his citizenship and no one ask him about anything , he also told me that when he studied the citizenship booklet they wrote...
  5. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    good sign mabrouk el processing mine still received , can u tell us the date of processing , we start processing your file on 00/00/0000 good luck
  6. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    ok my friend i understand , you will add members on the list upon request, bas shi mini7 sar fi 2 min august khalsin shway wo 7an 2arib 3a sep , inshala ma ynatrouna ktir , at least ya3toun shi 3 month to leave , ana family ma3 two children ya3ne 3nde 7mel ktir lol...
  7. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    3am t2asir b ur work wdOnCanada el lista fiha na2as fi kam wahad bel forum Bucharest VO na2sin lol
  8. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    cherif ana i told eno fi 30000 file b Bucharest hayda el shi mesh da2i2 wo mesh mohem bas el maktab b Lebanon ali heik , wo fi nes kenit 3am te7ke 3an 2louf aktar akid i don't believe that li ano iza 30000 mazbout inshala ukhalso fihoun , bas mawdou3 el 200 visa akid hayda shi mesh logic li ano...
  9. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Hope thats right ma badna nontra baad aktar men heik
  10. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Apolo maybe you are right but what about the security check that takes a lot of time when they will start it , if after in process bada shi 5 month shu awlak bcoun kholis el medical?
  11. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    By the way all the world is busy about the problem in Ukraine , bas mni7 ma sarit b romania kenet kmlit ma3na
  12. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Can someone explain the difference between caips and gcms I ordered gcms don no about caips
  13. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Ya man we r sure like that bas lets be clearly Canada take people from around 150 country mesh bas Lebanon, wo lately ma ba2a kteer yhtamo la lebanese cause we well know how much they let us waiting baynama bel philipine lama sar 2e3sar khasasouloun program la7aloun to pick them without papers ...
  14. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Hahaha this is mean that they know Lebanon and Lebanese well , el jame3a mesh aryina , they well beleive that we r dowal el 3alem el rabi3 aw el khamis barke , bya3rfo el fawda 3na
  15. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Anyway until now they gave ppr before meds expire lets wait and see , even if they give us two month to leave elmohem ya3touna yeha inshala
  16. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    Fi logic bel ecas bi2oul eno: File received means they received it and submit all documents and entered to the system Start processing means they start work on your file Iza ma fi this sentence ya3ne our file ba3doun apart Thats what i understand men el searches
  17. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    If we review the files that finished and took ppr and also files that shows in process maybe you found that all took their csq on 2009 or 2010 Barke recent mesheyin by order csq dates Im 11 2011 csq so ymkin ba3d ma wsel dawre bel process wo kermel heik just show file received
  18. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    I think that it's not related to the officer or he didn't update our e-cas I guess they didn't start all checks until they wrote we start processing your file on 00/00/0000 , because in my GCMS it shows that sec check , criminality , eligibility , not started when they will wrote start...
  19. adam2013

    Quebec applicants 2010(Damascus) waiting for medicals

    the problem is that when they put in-process they wrote we start processing your file on let's say 15/02/2014 it means they start processing one month ago per example , tayib before that time wen ken el file wo how much time they need to finalize it after that time if 7 month so it's big prob ...